The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

If You’re Not “Woke” You’re Asleep And/Or Controlled

Let’s just cut through the BS, shall we?

A man holding a pen and a notepad. If you’re not “woke” you are asleep at the switch
Photo by Sweet Life on Unsplash

Awake, or “woke”, means that you’re present and aware. The opposite would be to be asleep, not present, unaware, and open to being controlled.

It really is that simple, my friends. You’re either awake and capable of assuming control or asleep and letting someone else do the driving. That’s what it all comes down to.

“Woke”, as such, is in no way, shape, or form, a bad thing. Being awake means you have options, choices, and opportunities to decide what your life will look like.

If you’re not “woke” you are asleep at the switch. It means you have opened yourself to the control of others, ideas that might not be entirely yours, and unconsciously or subconsciously existing with half a life.

Yes, it really is that ludicrous to call “woke” out as something negative and bad to be. This insane buzzword concept doesn’t even hold up under the lightest scrutiny. Why? Because nobody stands alone in the world.

You are one of 8 billion people on planet Earth. All 8,000,000,000 people are individuals with their own unique hopes, dreams, aspirations, desires, and the like. What they do share – and nobody has disproven this belief of mine yet – is a desire to experience kindness, compassion, empathy, and the overall notion of love that’s all about connectivity and inclusion.

Anytime someone derides “wokeness” they’re telling you that they prefer to be asleep, unaware, and disconnected from reality. Harsh? Nope, honest. Because that is the unabashed truth of the matter.

While we’re here:

DEI is life

Along this line, let’s look at the massive disassembly of DEI initiatives across the United States. This has been especially ugly with the new administration, but that’s par for the course with them.

DEI is Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. And it’s life. Know why? Because the world is not just white, straight cis-gendered, straight men. Period.

Nope. There are also black men, Asian men, Latino men, and tons of other varieties. Oh, and there are also women – and tons of varieties among them beyond white, too. And, despite efforts to erase them, there are and have always been nonbinary individuals who are neither or both genders.

Also, not everyone is straight. There are homosexuals, bisexuals, and tons of other options and ways for how people have intimate, loving, and/or sexual relations. Yes, this also applies to monogamy and polyamory. Diversity is our world, period.

Here’s the most infuriating part of all this. The white, straight, cis-gendered men aren’t the majority. Not at all. Sorry, guys, but given the populations of China and India alone, we’re outnumbered.

And there is not a damned thing wrong with that truth. Think that sucks? I don’t. You know what does suck? How this shrinking minority can’t accept that others who are not like them deserve equity and inclusion. DESERVE. Why? Because all of us are human beings, and nobody is more deserving than anyone else.

As a white, cis-gendered straight male, I’m offended by a great many who share my gender identity.

You can’t walk any chosen path without being “woke”

If you seek to make any choices or decisions for your life, you can’t do it asleep or unaware.

When you are not awake you are not consciously aware. Ergo, you can’t make any active, in-the-moment choices or decisions. That means you are unable to choose who, what, where, how, or why you are.

To me, this is a very “duh” thing. How come it isn’t obvious to others? “Woke” is consciously aware of things. Specifically, things both within and without you.

No man is an island. Nobody lives in a vacuum completely detached from the world. More than this, no two people have the same experiences in life. Everyone is unique and goes through things differently.

Many otherwise well-balanced white men have the privilege that comes with that so deeply ingrained that they can’t fathom any other experience. Sure, in a perfect world merit will get you where you seek to go. Yeah? Then explain how an infinitely more qualified non-white woman lost the presidential race to a convicted felon who proved previously he couldn’t do the job well. Sorry, but no matter what answers you might have, no matter how additionally valid and plausible they might be, the true answer is white male privilege. But I digress.

The point of all of this today is that “woke” means you’re not asleep at the wheel or allowing yourself to be controlled by others. “Woke” means you are empowered to make choices and decisions about your life experience. If you’re not awake you can’t actively, consciously choose and/or decide jack shit.

Be “woke” and think critically

Think about. Most people who get bent out of shape over the idea of “woke”, DEI, critical race theory, equal rights, and the like, are scared. They have accepted that life is all about lack, scarcity, insufficiency, and fear. They think that the pies in life are limited and if they don’t get or keep what’s theirs they will lose everything.

Nothing could be further from the truth. That’s because the material things “in limited supply” are not what matters. What matters are the immaterial intangibles. Connectivity, kindness, compassion, empathy, love, etc. These are the things people truly desire, and they are abundant beyond your wildest imagination.

Don’t let fear drive you to accept the idea that anyone else should control you or direct your life. Don’t be asleep. Wake up and be empowered. If you give this even the slightest bit of thought, you’ll see that the idea of “woke” being bad is utterly ludicrous and makes no sense at all.

Wouldn’t you rather be awake to make choices and decisions than asleep and at the mercy of others?

This is the six-hundred-eighty-fifth (685) exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – applying mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.

I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out my author website for the rest of my published fiction and nonfiction works.

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