How Much Space Exists Between Negativity and Positivity?
I’m realizing that more space exists between than at the extremes on either end.

As an avid reader who enjoys nonfiction as much as fiction – I love to learn new things.
A lot of what I read is along the lines of my writing – positivity, conscious reality creation, mindfulness, and the like. As such, I’ve read through lots of different people from all sorts of variable backgrounds and their ideas and practices.
Though I’ve long been a practitioner, believer, and even something of a preacher regarding these topics – I recognize there’s always room to grow. For as much as I know – there’s far, far more that I don’t know.
This is why I’m a huge fan of science. Biology, physics, psychology, and astronomy are among my favorite topics.
I was introduced to psychology first-hand as a child after my parents’ divorce. Between different therapists as I was growing up and into adulthood – as well as books and other info on the topic – I’ve had a longtime fascination with understanding what makes us tick on a mental and emotional level.
I’m presently reading a book about how to rethink. Specifically, how to alter thinking to be less rigid and open to more approachability.
I’ve frequently said that positivity can do no harm, is good for all, and the like. Most of what I write is all about either positivity or negativity – and pays no mind to what space exists between them.
Frankly – there is far more space that exists between negativity and positivity than at the opposite ends of this spectrum. As I have been examining my stance, I recognize it’s time to acknowledge and talk about this.
There are always extremes – but more between them
I frequently write about paradox and how there is balance, and yin/yang across the whole Universe. In discussing the difference between positivity and toxic positivity, I’ve shared how the former needs negativity while the latter is toxic because it ignores and disregards negativity.
But realistically – there is so, so, so much space between positivity and negativity that I’ve tended to disregard and ignore. Why? Because I believed that in sharing my experiences with working with positivity to improve my life – and my deep belief in its power to empower – I can convince you of the same.
In learning about this idea of how to open oneself (and others) to rethink, I’ve started to consider this. There is always more between the extremes than on either side of a given spectrum.
We know the extremes. Good/bad, black/white, short/tall, negative/positive, and so on. We tend to compare these to opposite sides of the coin.
Yet I neglect my own thoughts on how it’s not so much a coin where these opposites lie – but a cylinder. It will vary in size depending on the given extremes – or may even have more than one option.
Take black/white. Between these two extremes, there are nearly uncountable colors and variations of colors. Likewise, there are countless shades of grey between black and white just as numerous as the colors.
Disregarding the space between given extremes tends to disregard the true majority. This is partially because very few exist at the extremes – but also change is constant. Situations and circumstances – among other things – alter where we fall between any given extremes.
Recognizing that space exists between negativity and positivity
One of the biggest reasons to tune someone out is when they are trying to convince you that their way is good, right, and useful – even if acknowledging it’s not the One True Way. Thus – in the interest of acknowledging that our way is not the only way – our approach can be too rigid to appeal.
I am recognizing that there is an almost unbelievable amount of space that exists between negativity and positivity. And I’d like to explore this further.
Everyone has good things and bad things happen to them. Some people experience more good while others experience more bad. Given that all of us have a unique perspective on life, the Universe, and everything – our approaches can fall well between any given extreme.
Looking more closely at my own experience – I tend to approach my life from a place of cautious optimism. I’d like to believe things are going to turn out alright, people are good, and the world is full to overflowing of potential and possibilities.
Not only does it not always turn out that way – but that’s not always my approach. There are plenty of days where I feel down, and my cautious optimism gets overrun by cautious skepticism. And that can tip over to annoyed, angry, and even sad pessimism.
The reality is that I’m usually somewhere between negativity and positivity – rather than practicing one or the other. The extremist ideal of mindful positivity is great – but it neglects that pure positivity is not always practical.
Further, while I’ve acknowledged that lots of situations don’t call for positivity at all – I’ve ignored that they don’t go all the way to the negative. They slant that way because shit happens. And existing as we do between those extremes, that can and will lead us to lean towards negativity.

Reexamining mindfulness
Mindfulness is conscious awareness of not just what’s happening in the world around us – but what’s going on within us. It’s being conscious and aware – here and now – of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
From here, I’ve previously written about choosing to be positive or negative. But that’s not entirely practical, is it? The whole concept fails to acknowledge how much space exists between the extremes – and that most of us are somewhere along the cylinder instead of at the extremes.
Rather than employ mindfulness to recognize where we are in the present and redirect ourselves towards an extreme – the act of being consciously aware via mindfulness is useful. Why? Because it makes us more aware of ourselves and where we are in the world outside of ourselves, too.
Mindfulness is how we can be in the present. Not to alter where, how, what, and why we are so much as being aware of them.
While we can use mindfulness to be more consciously aware of all that we are to control change – it might be more useful just for knowledge and understanding. I think maybe just knowing where we are on the cylinder between given extremes opens us to possibilities.
Though I feel positivity can help change the world for the better – it’s too limiting on its own and by itself on its specific end of the cylinder opposite negativity. Hence, as I’m realizing that more space exists between than at the extremes on either end, I’m reconsidering my approach both to how I study and learn and how I share my views.
I love rethinking to expand my knowledge base.
Recognizing that space exists between negativity and positivity isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Recognizing and acknowledging that more space exists between negative and positive than the extremes themselves, I’m opening myself to reexamining my approach to exploring that which leans towards positivity.
When I give more consideration to the broader expanse of notions between positivity and negativity, I am more open to sharing a wider range of ideas. I believe that makes for a more open exploration of positivity – which potentially empowers me and you.
Taking this approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast space that exists between them – I believe potentially shifts the concept to open more dialogue. Thus, we can explore and share where we are between those extremes and how that might impact us in the here and now.
Thank you for coming along on this ride with me.
This is the four hundred sixteenth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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