How Might We Use the New Year for New Positivity?
The new year is an excellent time to start fresh – if you so choose.

It’s hard to believe that 2021 is coming to a close.
Seriously – how are we less than a week from the start of 2022 already?
The past 2 years have been utterly unusual for everyone. The global pandemic forever changed the world in ways we still haven’t fully realized. We have seen utter extremes between the best in some people and the worst in others.
Life, for most, has never been so uncertain. Despite the uncertainty, many people have used that to make various changes to their life experiences.
Many people learned just how meaningless their job was – or certain expectations of their job – and either left for better or forced change. Some took the uncertainty and used it to start and build businesses or pursue dreams long ignored or shunted to that place of “when I have time” or the like.
I used the uncertainty of 2020 and 2021 to expand my writing practice. In two years, I have published 9 novels in two different sci-fi series, as well as a standalone fantasy, too.
Some people, when faced with all this uncertainty, have not been able to make, find, and/or create anything positive. I know lots of reasons why this might be the case.
Some people need a solid impetus, a thing they can put their finger on – tangible or intangible – to begin. Why not use the new year to find and/or create some new positivity – and with that, new opportunities?
It is NEVER too late
One thing many people get hung up on – at least in my experience – is missing out.
They didn’t do whatever it was “then.” The time passed and they failed to get into it. Life passed them by.
If you believe that – you’ll be right. But so long as you are alive – it is NEVER too late.
I’ve had this experience. I have felt that sense of “why didn’t I do that then” or “did I miss my chance” on many occasions and in different ways. In truth – I have come to learn that it’s never too late.
That’s why people overweight for 5 or 6 decades can trim down. It’s why 80-somethings can attend and graduate college. This is the reason you can start writing, painting, or performing at any time in your life.
It is never too late – so long as you are here.
Admittedly – it can become more difficult, a greater challenge, or otherwise harder now than it might have been before. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late – nor that the time wasn’t right for whatever it is then – while it’s perfect now.
You can choose to try that new thing, create that business, change your diet, start exercising, or any other positive change now. And the coming new year – if you need the impetus for this – is an excellent starting point.
As the classic Chinese proverb goes,
“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.”
New year, new opportunity
Let’s be honest here. Everyone expected – after the many insanities of 2020 – for 2021 to be a damned sight better. For some – it was. For many – it was just as uncertain and crazy as the prior year had been.
Even if it was better for you – odds are, you still felt the sense of uncertainty and discomfort that the year kept reiterating. Just when we thought COVID numbers were declining – a new variant hit like a wave. The government changed – but the politics and their extremism sure as hell didn’t.
Here we are again – the end of the year. And let’s be blunt – it’s looking just as uncertain and unknown moving into 2022 as it was heading into 2021.
But then, we have a choice. Continue to lament what we don’t know, the things out of our control, and all the uncertainty that come with it – or make new choices. Seek and/or find opportunities. Decide to take life for a ride rather than let life take you for a ride.
This isn’t about doing anything unsafe or foolish or unwise. This is about choosing to see this new year as a new opportunity. A chance for a new, fresh start.
The best way to make use of that is by finding and/or creating positivity.
Consciousness creates reality. When you apply this to your life experience, you gain the ability to make choices and decisions to direct your life in the ways you desire to.
No, it’s not easy. But it’s utterly worthwhile.
There will be good days and bad days. But every day – like every year – can be the rallying cry. Last year maybe didn’t go how I’d have liked it – but this year is a new chance and opportunity. Maybe yesterday didn’t go how I’d have liked it to – but today is a new day, a new chance, new opportunity.
And that – when all is said and done – is all that positivity really is.
Positivity for the new year need not be grand
If you anticipate the coming new year with dread, expecting the worst, or otherwise negative – you’re likely to get just that.
On the other hand – if you see the coming new year with potential and full of possibilities, without expectation, and otherwise positive – that’s more likely to be your experience.
Positivity, in its truest form, is non-toxic. It is undemanding and comes with little to no expectation. All that positivity is is an attitude and approach to life. It’s choosing to look for potential and possibility rather than see lack and uncertainty. Positivity is making effort to control what we can (like our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions) versus letting ourselves be controlled by external forces.
There is ALWAYS a choice. While it can seem easy to decide not to decide and just let life happen – that comes with a price. Extra uncertainty, dissatisfaction, and a sense of difficulty and challenge tend to be what you get.
Sometimes it’s hard to be positive. And life is seldom easy. But we always have a choice. We can always seek and/or find positivity in everything that we experience.
The new year is just around the corner. If you have been struggling, feeling challenged, or otherwise uncomfortable – why not use this opportunity for change to seek new positivity and get the most you possibly can out of your life experience?
Seriously – why not?
Using the new year to find and/or create positivity isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that you might need a push to start making changes in your life – or some sort of landmark – you can use the new year as that opportunity. When we choose to face the uncertainty and other negatives around us and seek out, find, and otherwise strive to generate positivity – that ultimately empowers us.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and twelfth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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