How Is It Worthwhile to Adjust Our Mindset/Headspace/Psyche Selves?
It’s worthwhile because it’s the only thing we can genuinely control.

Ever find yourself thinking about something utterly outside of your control?
I don’t just mean a random, passing thought. What I’m on about is giving deep, analytical thought towards something over which you have zero control.
For example – politics. Apart from voting, protests, phone calls and letters to our representatives – there’s nothing we can do. When it comes to the world stage, there’s even less that we can do.
Similarly – celebrity gossip. The weather. How and why our friends made choices we cannot understand – but we still endlessly question and mull over.
Chewing on these thoughts and digging into them doesn’t serve us. Why? Because they are not in our control.
The truth is that there’s very little we truly, genuinely control. What’s more, we’re frequently presented with examples of “control” on the parts of politicians, religious leaders, business moguls, and the like. The vast majority of any arguments they make are all about the things they believe that they can control.
Control, however, doesn’t need to go beyond ourselves. In fact, it can’t. The truth is, Elon Musk, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Joe Biden only influence – but don’t control anyone or anything. If you don’t believe that – all you have to do is look at where and how they can’t make what they desire to come into being via their “control”.
What do we control?
Every single person on Planet Earth can control only one thing. Themselves.
We can’t even control everything about ourselves. Genetics dictates certain elements of ourselves that we can do nothing about. We can’t control where and when we were born. And though we can create new families, communities, and the like – we can’t control where we came from at the start.
Often, we look without for control. But the genuine place where we exert any control is within.
To be fair, we can control our appearance to a certain degree. We choose how to dress, the way we wear our hair, and with greater difficulty focus on our body size and muscle mass (but not our height unless we wear platform shoes/boots).
When we get deep into it, all that we can control is ourselves, here and now. More specifically – we can control our mindset/headspace/psyche.
In other words – we can control our thoughts, feelings, intentions, and actions.
However, to take that control, we must exert it first. That frequently requires wrestling it away from our subconscious.
Our subconscious minds are akin to a computer hard drive. They are where our operating systems, data storage, and programs are saved.
What are our subconscious operating systems, data storage, and programs?
Our operating systems are our values and beliefs. They’re the foundation on which we run. And like computer operating systems, sometimes we’re running an outdated OS.
Old values and beliefs are in our subconscious. And until we seek them out to replace or remove them – they are still driving our system.
Our data storage is thoughts and feelings that might be disconnected until a program or the operating system engages them. For example – that time your best friend forgot your birthday. Or that time you hurt a lover via some unfortunate act. It might be that time you were embarrassed when you flubbed that speech and made everyone laugh at you.
Consciously, we tend to be unaware of these. Something triggers them – and then the data storage of our subconscious impacts our mindset/headspace/psyche unexpectedly.
Finally, what are our programs? Our habits. That which we do by rote and routine, habitually, are our programs. Habits can be utterly subconscious because they are so deeply ingrained and might have been engaged for eons.
How do we gain control of our subconscious? We can’t – unless we intentionally dive into it. And that is where conscious awareness and mindfulness of our mindset/headspace/psyche becomes utterly worthwhile.

Why it’s worthwhile to adjust our mindset/headspace/psyche selves
Not to put too fine a point on it – but it’s worthwhile because our mindset/headspace/psyche selves are the only thing we truly, genuinely control.
Who is in your head? Just you. Maybe there are voices of past loves, old friends, parents, teachers, and others that sometimes seem to talk to you. But the truth is they aren’t there – only you are.
Each of us is all alone in our heads. Nobody else can get inside – no matter how much access we grant them.
Our mindset/headspace/psyche selves are our conscious awareness. In the here and now, it’s conscious awareness of what we’re thinking, what and how we’re feeling, the intentions we hold, and the actions we do and don’t take based on them.
How do we take control of them? Mindfulness.
Mindfulness is the practice of being present, here and now, and consciously aware therein.
When we are mindful, and actively working to be consciously aware of our mindset/headspace/psyche selves, we ultimately empower ourselves.
How? Because when we know – here and now – our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions, we can take control of them.
Rather than allow rote, routine, and our subconscious habits, beliefs, and values to control us – mindfulness takes the wheel and puts us directly in control.
That’s why it’s worthwhile to adjust our mindset/headspace/psyche selves. Because adjusting is taking control – the only genuine control we have of our lives.
A caveat – the ego
The ego is not simply the braggart showing off his muscles or taking endless selfies of herself and showing them on TikTok. The ego is a construct that exists in a space between the conscious and subconscious mind.
It can appear that the ego is driving – but it does so in the same way as the subconscious. Without conscious awareness and the associated control that makes it worthwhile.
What is the ego? It’s how we project ourselves to the world without. But it’s also a mirror reflection of who we believe we are – warts and all.
Often, the ego has been largely constructed via subconscious habits, beliefs, and values. Sometimes that’s neutral, but often it’s more a projection of positivity or negativity.
It’s a construct because it’s not a product of the here and now, and thus not truly who, what, where, how, and why we are. Unlike our conscious mindset/headspace/psyche selves.
Likewise, mindfulness gives us the ability to recognize and take control back from the ego in much the same way it does from the subconscious. But know that the ego tends to be more active rather than passive. Hence, it might resist you in ways your subconscious can’t.
If your subconscious is your computer hard drive, your ego is the RAM. Sometimes we need more to process everything better.
Adjusting our mindset/headspace/psyche selves is always worthwhile
That’s because we have the power to take that control and make it so.
This, in truth, is the only genuine control we can exert over ourselves.
That’s why doing so is worthwhile. Because that action is empowering. And when we’re empowered, we’re more capable of amazing things.
That’s how we control ourselves to make the choices and decisions to find and/or create our paths in life. That, to me, is utterly worthwhile on so many levels.
It may not seem like much – but it’s everything, and more than enough when all is said and done.
We each get just one chance around in these bodies. One life experience. Shouldn’t we give ourselves what control we can to make it as amazing as possible?
Can you see how it’s worthwhile to be in control of our mindset/headspace/psyche selves?
This is the five-hundred and sixty-second exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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