How Do I Break Clear of This Low-Energy Cycle?
I have low-energy today – and it’s not conducive to getting anything done.

I have work to do.
Both of my freelance jobs have things that need to be done by me. Nothing Earth-shattering or particularly time-sensitive – but they need to be done. Also – most importantly, probably – getting them done gets me paid.
Additionally, I have my own writing and editing to do. There’s a novel that I’d like to publish this year that’s not done. On top of that – there’s another finished novel that I should send off to an editor. But I must finish my edits, first.
Despite putting routines in place, creating better habits, and other work I’ve done to keep me on track – I’m finding myself in a low-energy cycle.
I can’t tell you how long I stared at the screen before I started to write this article. It wasn’t coming to me. Then, it occurred to me why.
Look at that – a topic!
What IS a low-energy cycle?
Your mileage may vary, but you’ve likely experienced this.
You feel drained. Your get-up-and-go feels like it got-up-and-went. There are plenty of things for you to do – but none of them, even if you enjoy them, are calling to you.
Sleep is not the answer. I’m not tired. No, I just feel as though I have no energy – and I’m in an invisible sludge slowing me down within and without.
Some of this might be the result of outside influences. It’s grey and chilly presently – and that tends to bring my mood down. Additionally – I have a nerve pinch that’s causing ongoing pain that I can’t seem to rid myself of.
This might also be related to a form of analysis paralysis. I see all these things that I can and should work on. And am finding no interest in doing so.
I’m calling it a low-energy cycle because I know it’s temporary. This feeling of blah, dragging, and general low energy will pass.
It’s not depression, nor any particular negative emotions. In fact, as I consider what I am thinking, what and how I am feeling – the answer is rather “meh.” Grey. Eh. If I am a battery, I’m at half-capacity right now. No reason I can fathom why, no specific thoughts or emotions – just at this moment where I am.
That’s my low-energy cycle. In this moment – here and now – that’s what I’ve got to work with.
Mindfulness for presence
I am currently reading Think Again by psychologist Adam Grant. It’s both extremely well-written, and a real eye-opener.
The premise is reexamining a person’s thought process. Not just thinking – but rethinking and thinking anew. And it’s opened my eyes to rethinking various elements of my philosophy.
One of the main tenets of my philosophy is mindfulness. Conscious awareness – here and now – of my thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. This allows me to recognize where, how, why, when, and what I am – at this time and in this moment and place.
For years now, I’ve discussed using this to take control of my life experience for making changes. Which is great. However, what I’ve ignored in the process is the true power of mindfulness.
It’s not about taking control to make a change. Instead, it’s really more about being in the present and the know. It’s using mindfulness to just exist in the now.
That opens me to better explore this low-energy cycle and how it relates to the rest of my overall being. Which is, I believe, empowering.
What I’ve failed to recognize and acknowledge is the power of just being mindful. Using mindfulness to be present not to take control of, direct, and/or alter change – but just to gain clarity.
And that informs me that this isn’t depression or something else – just a low-energy cycle that will, in time, pass.
But is there some way to break out of it in the now?
How do I break out of this low-energy cycle?
First and foremost – I need to recognize and acknowledge that I’m in the place I am right now. By being mindful of it and recognizing it for what it is – I can see if anything obvious will help me clear it.
Obvious things might include:
- Drinking more water or coffee
- Going for a walk
- Meditating
- Allowing myself to do nothing and just be low-energy
- Reading a book or articles on Medium
- Pausing, reflecting, and just being present in this low-energy cycle
Yes, some of these don’t do much. But the truth is – everyone has experiences like this. People have experiences where they have little to no energy – and there’s no simple answer or explanation for it.
Because of how our society works – the lack of productivity that tends to accompany this causes a feeling of guilt and shame.
I should be doing something. There are plenty of things on my to-do list. If I don’t do any work I’ll be judged as lazy, incompetent, or worse. Overall, none of these are true. But even if someone outside of you judges – it’s your life. Truth is, their opinion doesn’t truly matter or count. (Of course, if you are at work in an office and the boss sees you doing nothing – there might be consequences. That’s a whole other story).
It’s not easy to work with a low-energy cycle. But it happens. And mindfulness helps us recognize and acknowledge when it does – and if there’s anything we can do to break clear of it.
But it is temporary. It’s just a cycle of the moment and will pass naturally if I can’t break clear of it. Being cognizant of that makes it easier to work with, too.
Everyone has off days. Nobody is perfect. Or rather – everybody is perfectly imperfect.
What do you do when you experience a low-energy cycle?
This is the five-hundred and twenty-seventh exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.
The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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