How and Why Do People Have a Problem with Inclusivity?
Any problem with inclusivity comes from artificial lack, scarcity, and insufficiency.
![Inclusivity reflects an abundant universe](
It never ceases to amaze me how bent out of shape people get over inclusivity.
No matter what the topic – race, gender, color, religion – you will find somebody objecting to inclusivity.
Logically, and reasonably, this makes no sense at all. Why would you want to deny other people their rights, freedoms, and acts of basic human decency?
In asking this question lots and lots, I believe I have an answer. And it has nothing at all to do with inclusivity.
The problem is one of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency.
But not true, actual lack, scarcity, or insufficiency. The problem people have with inclusivity is a matter of an artificial belief in lack, scarcity, and insufficiency.
Where does that come from? Messages that if you let ‘person or group x’ have more, then you and yours will have less.
When it comes to inclusivity – this is an utter lie.
The artifice of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency
Where does this idea of lack come from?
I can’t prove this scientifically, but based on my observations, most of it comes from various leaders and so-called leaders. Politicians, clergy, business leaders, and even celebrities create this artificial lack.
(Just a heads-up – going forward, when I write lack here, that also includes scarcity and insufficiency).
Before I get into the specifics of this, allow me to define why lack is utterly artificial in this regard.
Inclusivity, in and of itself, means inclusion. Opening up to more and greater for more than a limited few. Recognizing the right to exist of women, blacks, homosexuals, transgendered, Asian, Jewish, and all other frequently marginalized and ostracized peoples. Instead of ignoring or disregarding them in conversations and other forms of representation – inclusivity includes everyone.
What logical reason can anyone give to exclude people? There isn’t one. But there is a way to use an artificial sense of lack to be exclusive.
And it’s this: If you give “them” inclusivity, you will lack something in return.
Often this looks something like this – open the way for women and minorities to get equal pay, and because there’s never enough, the white guys will lose jobs and get less pay.
That’s bad enough. But then worse and more dangerous messages along this line get shared. Let people learn about the real history of Black America and/or homosexuality – and the false identity you’re convinced is your right ceases to be.
In all instances, suffering is the implied – and sometimes outright presented – result.
Nothing could be further from the truth. Because inclusivity doesn’t take anything away from anyone else. All lack associated with it is artificial and false.
There’s no danger from inclusivity
Religious zealots will tell you that homosexuals will turn your kids gay. White supremacists will tell you that Critical Race Theory will create false history (rather than present true history). Leaders of the patriarchy will tell you allowing women body autonomy will emasculate men and allow females to take over everything.
All of this is not at all real. Everything they resist is to preserve the artifice they’ve created.
Inclusivity is the process of addressing the artifice. That’s because there have ALWAYS been more than 2 genders, multiple sexual orientations, variable types of relationships, different skin colors, and so on. And nothing about any of the above should cause exclusionary practices.
But it has. And it still does. Inclusivity recognizes this and strives to create mindfulness of this fact. That, in turn, is with the intention of a broader understanding of one another and improving the world for everyone everywhere.
There is no danger and no harm from inclusivity. And I can prove it to you.
Do you like to be excluded from things? How do you feel when you’re excluded from a group or organization? How would you feel knowing full well that that exclusion is based on something utterly artificial?
I’m not judging you – but unless you’re a masochist – I’m pretty sure you’d dislike being excluded. Especially based on something that’s part of your genetics or artificial like how you worship (or don’t worship) a higher power.
Inclusivity is the recognition of this – and normalizing inclusion of and for all people.
![Inclusivity reflects an abundant universe](
It starts with you and me
There are many marginalized groups I am not and cannot be part of. Hell, you want to get technical – I’m the ultimate in not-marginalized. Because apart from being culturally Jewish – I’m a middle-aged, white, heterosexual, cis-gendered male.
That being written – I actively support inclusivity. I believe that Black Lives Matter, LGBTQA+ people have every right to exist and be themselves, women should have full bodily autonomy, and nobody should be excluded based on false ideas of lack for some resulting from including others.
If you feel like I feel about this – then choose to be more inclusive in what you do. This isn’t about pandering – it’s about being an ally. It’s about supporting inclusivity and fighting the forces hell-bent on exclusion to maintain a status quo that is full of bullshit.
As I strive to walk my chosen path in life, I recognize that I’m not alone in this world. And nobody else is me. What’s more, nobody’s alone in the world by any stretch of the imagination. Thus, I desire greater inclusivity because I’d like to see more people have the opportunity to find, create, and choose their own life paths.
Exclusivity denies you that right. And if everyone deserves to choose how their life should be – and what paths to walk – then everyone means greater inclusivity.
The vast majority of topics regarding inclusivity have nothing to do with tangibles and the material world.
Inclusivity reflects an abundant universe
Inclusivity is about being allowed to simply BE, when you get right down to it. Specifically, to be without threat or persecution, fear of consequences due to artifice, and to be able to choose from the same menu as everyone else.
If you’re a middle-aged white guy – like me – you have no idea what it’s like to be pulled over in a very white neighborhood as a black man and feel fear for your life. Likewise, you can get pills for your erectile dysfunction without some politician telling you that your limp dick is god’s will – unlike women in multiple states who can’t get abortions or other birth control without judgment and worse.
I could give you lots of examples above, but the point is that inclusivity matters. And when, like me, you’re not marginalized – it’s important to be an ally and actively work to be inclusive.
The truth is that inclusivity takes nothing away from anyone else. You won’t find anything lacking as a result of inclusivity – because this is an abundant Universe. And thus, there is more than enough to go around for everyone, no matter how you differ.
Most inclusivity comes down to recognizing and acknowledging that those who are different from you have the equal right to be. That doesn’t take anything whatsoever away from anyone else.
What it does do is acknowledge the vast abundance of the Universe. Planet Earth alone is home to 8 billion people. All of us are unique and different – but all of us desire to be. Inclusivity is an acknowledgment of this truth, and thus a reflection of the abundance of the Universe.
If you question practices of inclusivity, consider this – how does it make you feel to be excluded for any reason whatsoever?
This is the five hundred and ninety-first exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – using mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.
I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.
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The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.
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