Do You Grasp Your Life to be Lacking or Abundant?
Lacking or abundant – you get to choose how to experience your life.

This seems like a lie, right? That lack or abundance is a choice?
The short answer is that it is.
The long answer, however, is much more complex.
First, I want to share my favorite Einstein quote, because it’s an important part of this.
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
That, to me, means that reality is what you and I believe that it is.
Certain shared beliefs create the collective consciousness. That’s the overall mindset that drives society. It’s the collective consciousness where we all agree that the sky is blue, grass is green, and the like.
Deeper than that, the collective consciousness is also where the fear-base lies. And for the most part, it’s fueled by lack, scarcity, and insufficiency.
Nearly every politician implies that there is not enough to go around – so when you don’t vote for them, you’ll suffer from the lack and scarcity that comes of that. Advertising is all about selling us on being lacking and suffering if we don’t buy this, that, or the other thing. Social media is dominated by stories of lack, scarcity, insufficiency – and suffering that will happen when we experience them.
When we accept this version of reality – that’s what we get. Consciousness creates reality.
But that’s not how it has to be. For all the messages of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency – the reality is quite a bit different.
This is an abundant Universe
The known Universe is so vast, that our Milky Way galaxy is but 1 percent of the total amount of its makeup. The Milky Way galaxy is but 1 of somewhere between 170 billion and 2 trillion other galaxies.
Given all that – how can the Universe be anything but abundant? I can’t fathom a way.
Most of the things we come to see as lacking simply aren’t. Or, if they are – what we don’t see is that they can be replaced.
For example – fossil fuels, our primary source of energy for many things – have only been such for about 130 years. And though it’s our primary source now – we’re already seeing more use of wind, solar, and more readily renewable sources coming into play.
The point is that there will always be something to fuel our world. If we run out of gas, we’ll find or create an alternative.
This is a tangible, material item I’m writing about. When it comes to the intangible and immaterial – they are ultimately unlimited.
There is more than enough of every single emotion you can conceive of to go around – good and bad. Love is not scarce but incredibly abundant. Unfortunately, so is hate.
When it comes to virtually everything in the Universe we can conceive of – material or immaterial – it’s abundant. All notions to the contrary are artificial and made up.
Why? Because lack, scarcity, and insufficiency disempower. Many of those “in power” – whatever form that takes – dislike that. They feel if we’re empowered, we won’t need them anymore.
And to some degree – they’re not wrong. The more we’re empowered the more we’re self-capable.
Hence the question – do you grasp your life to be lacking or abundant? Ultimately, the choice is yours.
Lacking or abundant is your perception
In our consumerism-obsessed society – lack and scarcity are the primary selling points.
Whatever goods, services, or ideas someone desires to sell you – more often than not, the reason they want to convince you to buy is to alleviate lack and scarcity. From politics to shoes – it’s all about lack and scarcity.
Why? Because when you believe in lack and scarcity you fear the suffering that they will cause.
It’s not the lack, scarcity, or insufficiency we fear. It’s actually the suffering they will cause that we’re afraid of.
And “they” will tell you all the many, painful, unpleasant ways you will be suffering when you lack. They will convince you – via fear of suffering – to buy the expensive car you don’t need or the incumbent sexist misogynistic politician who doesn’t give a shit about anyone but his own power. They play on your fear of suffering from the apparent lack and scarcity to convince you to buy.
Mostly, the fear of suffering is far worse than the suffering we fear we’ll experience. In the words of Paulo Coelho from The Alchemist,
“Tell your heart that the fear of suffering is worse than the suffering itself.”
When you pause and look at your life, as it is, right now, for the most part – I suspect you aren’t lacking.
I presume if you’re reading this you have a roof over your head, air in your lungs, food in your belly, potential, and possibilities. You may desire more, and maybe in some ways you are suffering – I am not discounting that. But your perspective and whether you focus on the negative or the positive is wholly in your control.
Reality and how you perceive it – lacking or abundant – is up to you.

Mindfulness gives you control
Most of the messages about lack and scarcity bombard us in such a way that they drill into our subconscious. Primarily because we absorb them subconsciously.
Sitting in front of the TV, scrolling through social media, listening to the radio, and the like tends to be a subconscious act. You don’t think about it – you simply do it. As such, between the points where you are paying attention – like during commercials – you’re on autopilot.
Though not overtly subliminal – advertising is meant to appeal to our subconscious desires. So is most of the online clickbait. When you recognize and acknowledge it you’re much more likely to ignore it or reject it.
Hence why mindfulness is so powerful. When you work to be consciously aware of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions – you are mindful. That awakens your conscious mind – mindset/headspace/psyche self – and makes you alert to what is happening at that moment.
When you are working in your conscious mind – you can see what’s feeding into your subconscious. And as such, you can choose if you grasp your life to be lacking or abundant. Are you accepting a life of lack, scarcity, and insufficiency – or one of abundance instead?
Practicing mindfulness is how you take control over the only thing you can control – you. By working with your conscious awareness – rather than living subconsciously – you empower yourself. And that is all the control anyone needs.
Whether you believe it or not – the choice IS yours. You get to grasp your life, the world, and Universe around you as lacking or abundant.
Choosing to grasp life as lacking or abundant isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that each of us has a unique perspective on reality, we get to decide if we see it as negative and lacking – or positive and abundant. When we work to be consciously aware, we can take control of our subconscious mind and better see the abundance of the universe. That ultimately empowers us.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve numerous aspects of our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and first entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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