The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

When You Go Looking for Negativity You Will Find It

Actively looking for negativity does nobody any good at all.

Photo by Chen YiChun on Unsplash

We all know people who are constantly complaining.

With few exceptions, there is something they can and will say on the negative in virtually any given situation.

And they always will. Why? Because when you are actively looking for negativity, you will find it. You will always find it.

This is beyond the concept of conscious reality creation. That’s because anyone seeking negatives in a given situation tends to have utter intent, focus, and direction in their quest to find them.

That’s not to say that the negatives they find aren’t legit. But negativity, when specifically sought out, will be found.

Despite beliefs to the contrary – this IS a choice. You are empowered to decide if you will seek negativity or positivity.

The way to figure that out is via mindfulness.

The practical application of mindfulness

Despite a great deal of overuse and misinterpretation, EVERYONE employs mindfulness from time to time.

I guarantee that you have done it. You saw that thing you desired (tangible or intangible) and gave it all your focus and attention. That thing would be yours, a part of your life, and you knew without a single doubt it was a done deal – before it truly was.

Then, you got the cookie, landed the job, started the relationship, signed on the dotted line, and experienced that winning feeling. All your intention and attention were wholly focused on the thing you desired.

Mindfulness is conscious awareness of what you are thinking and feeling. It’s knowledge, in the moment, of what your inner being – your mindset/headspace/psyche self – is attending to. It’s not vague and neglected – it’s certain and deliberate.

Mindfulness to be consciously aware is made up of two components. First is sensory input – what you take in via your six senses. The second is your present thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.

This is why “thinking positive thoughts” alone is insufficient for conscious reality creation. Thought is just one of multiple present and consciously aware elements. Combined with sensory input and your feelings, intentions, and actions – that is how you find and/or create necessary elements to accomplish everything.

It truly is that simple and practical. It’s not hooky-spooky mumbo-jumbo. It’s conscious awareness – rather than subconscious routine.

When you are more actively mindful – and consciously aware – you can see if you look to the world with positivity or negativity.

Perhaps you can have a neutral approach – but that’s not mindful. Neutrality, in applied mindfulness, is not mindful. This is because neutrality has no power to drive anything. It’s unintentional – which is contrary to applying conscious awareness to life.

Looking at and for negativity finds it every time

If I go online, right now, and seek out news and information about all the awful, terrible things happening in the world – I’ll find them quickly. But that’s not because they are more prominent than good things – but it does often feel that way.

Conversely, if I go online intent on seeking out news and information about the great, amazing, and awesome things happening in the world – I’ll find them quickly. There is just as much news about incredible scientific discoveries and stories of success as there are terrible politics and greed.

When you don’t practice mindfulness – and you take in the overabundance of bad news available – your subconscious is going to probably make you feel bad. And then, to prove that you are right, you will continue to seek it out.

The notion of a “self-fulfilling prophecy” is the Law of Attraction in action. When you think it’s all garbage, and there is naught but bad – that’s how you approach things. And thus, you go looking for and at further negativity to prove yourself right. Congratulations – you WILL find it.

Rose-colored glasses and toxic positivity are not the answer

It’s important to note that we cannot eliminate, ignore, deny, or pretend negativity is out there. We need the bad to experience the good.

What’s more, the result of something bad can ultimately generate huge amounts of good. Losing your job sucks – until you find a far better job that makes your old job less desirable. Getting dumped opens you to find a more compatible relationship. Recovering from an injury can make you stronger than you were before the injury.

Toxic positivity is the idea that all negativity can be eradicated. But it can’t because it’s necessary. The Universe may be abundant, but it is made of yin and yang, opposites, and paradox.

Putting on rose-colored glasses to not see bad doesn’t remove it or make it go away. In fact, it disempowers you. Knowledge is technically neutral – but knowledge empowers and opens doors to ideas, options, and choices.

How can you consciously choose something without knowledge of it? Blind faith is blind because it lacks knowledge. Faith is a form of knowledge – largely applied to yourself.

Below your conscious awareness and mindset/headspace/psyche self is your subconscious. It’s in your subconscious where your beliefs, values, and habits lie. These, when you are aware of them, instruct your faith in yourself.

When I am more aware of my present, conscious awareness, I’m empowered to work on my subconscious beliefs, habits, and values. I can expand them if they are working for me – or replace and change them if they are not.

When you do so from a place of negativity, however, you lack faith and disbelieve in the possibility and power of change. Recognizing if your approach is from a place of negativity or positivity requires seeing both sides.

The choice is yours

Your conscious choice is based on your expectation of positivity or negativity.

If you go looking for negativity – you’ll find it. But the other side of the coin is that if you are looking for positivity – you’ll find it. With mindfulness, practicing conscious awareness, you are choosing what direction to take.

When you are explicitly looking for negativity in anything tangible or intangible – you will find it. Actively looking for negativity does nobody any good at all – least of all you.

Recognizing and acknowledging this fact creates accountability for it. Thus, you can choose to continue to look for negativity – or seek out positivity instead.

And remember – neutrality and seeking neither positive nor negative – is disempowering. Why bother when you are making no directional choice? No, you don’t need to go to one extreme or another – just choose an approach of YES (positivity) or NO (negativity).

Yes, I can empowers. No, I can’t disempowers.

I can’t speak for you – but I know which I prefer.

Choosing to seek positivity rather than negativity isn’t hard

It begins with mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.

Knowing that everything you look to find can be approached from a place of YES or NO – you get to decide if you are seeking positivity (yes) or negativity (no). When you decide that looking for negativity will always find it – and that doesn’t do you any good – you can choose to be mindful and adjust your search and approach. And that ultimately empowers you.

When you feel empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to more people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity. A feedback loop we can all take part in.

Then, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That can be the impetus to improve numerous aspects of our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.

You, me, and everybody are worthy and deserving of all the good we desire. 

An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is always worthwhile.

This is the three-hundred and eighty-sixth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.

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