Find The Good In Yourself First
You are a good, worthy, and deserving person.

The world appears – on many levels – to be going truly mad.
Every week, writing about positivity, I always manage to find something to write about. But that doesn’t mean it’s not especially challenging. Looking at the outside picture of the world at present is deeply frustrating, distressing, and too close a look can be depressing.
Despite my attempts to spend less time on social media – a serious harbinger of negativity – I still get swept up by it. Before I know it, an innocent glance at FB to see what my friends are doing winds up as a trip down a rabbit hole of unfortunate happenings, bad players, and lots of other negatives.
It’s so easy to get overwhelmed. And it begs the question – how do you find the good in a world presented as terrible and negative as ours all too often seems to be?
After a little soul-searching, I have an answer:
Find the good in yourself, first.
From the depths to the surface
Let’s clear something up right off the bat. You are, at your core, a good person.
The only way that this is untrue is if you willfully, knowingly do things to hurt or harm others. If you have Intent, malice of forethought, and full realization that what you’re doing is hurtful or harmful to others in unkind, uncompassionate, unempathetic ways.
We all make mistakes that will hurt people. Setting boundaries, changing relationships, jealousies, and other human nature factors that impact the thoughts and feelings of others will occur throughout your life. Remember – you have NO control at all over how anyone else thinks, feels, intends, or acts.
That cleared, you are a good person. Like everyone else, you desire to live a life that’s interesting, worthwhile, content, joyful, and comfortable. Welcome to the human race.
Many people get thoroughly caught up in the minutiae of everyday life, rote, routine, and habit. It’s easy to lose sight of being a good person because you question your humanity overall.
How do you know you’re a good person, at your core? Because you don’t actively desire to cause hurt or harm to others. You are striving to do good things overall and do no harm.
Am I naïve for believing that most people are good? No. When I look at all the people that I know personally any every level – friends, family, acquaintances, coworkers, everyone I encounter virtually or physically one-on-one – every one of them, at their core, is a good person.
Sure, lots of them have flaws. There are a few that I think are semi-intentionally selfish on occasion. But all of them are, deep down, good people.
Imperfect. Occasional fuck-ups. Sometimes foolish. But when all is said and done – good people.
I suspect your experience is much the same.
People don’t put the good on display often enough
Have you ever noticed how the loudest voice in a given room tends to be the one with the most questionable intent?
You know who has ill intent and is a bad person because they announce it. They make it damned clear they care only about themselves, their power, their agenda, and so on.
It’s often disguised as being for the good of the masses – but the moment their actions hurt or harm others, create artificial lack and scarcity to disempower, and start labeling “us” versus “them” in one form or another – they self-identify.
Unfortunately, they sucker people who are otherwise good, in. Promises of fixing often non-existent or overblown problems get them followers and supporters. That might include people you know – family or friends taken in by the bullshit – and that hurts. Because they largely don’t see it for what it is.
Good people, by and large, just are. It’s not on display, and you’re not selling something. You’re largely just looking to live decently. You probably don’t want to see anyone else get hurt or harmed, too.
Because good is not as frequently, obviously, or loudly displayed – it’s harder to see and find. Social media algorithms and news and information outlets prefer negativity, titillation, and controversy over sharing good. That’s what sells – and they’re all about making a profit.
Thus, the best place to find the good is in yourself, first and foremost.

Things to look at and for
Where do you find the good in yourself?
Start with how you treat other people. Do you hold doors for strangers? Will you help a friend in need by listening to them and their problems? Do you call family to say hi? Are you concerned about the wellbeing of marginalized people unlike yourself? Do you act with compassion, kindness, and empathy towards others?
What about how you treat objects, things, and animals? Do you pet consenting dogs and cats? Throw out trash in bins rather than wherever? Signal turns? Do you respect privacy? Are you acting to keep your things in good repair? Do you appreciate nature and things like sunlight, moonlight, birdsong, and the like?
Probing deeper, even if you know an awful person that you’d not feel bad about watching get torn apart limb from limb by angry squirrels – do you intend hurt or harm to anyone? I’m going to hazard a guess that in truth, you want them to see the better and change – not hurt them. Apart from in the abstract, you genuinely don’t desire hurt, harm, or bad for anyone.
The good in yourself is abundant. And that’s a reflection of the truth that you and I live in an abundant Universe. There is more than enough good to go around. Everyone deserves care, kindness, compassion, empathy, and love. Your true desire is along that line.
You are a good, worthy, and deserving person. When you recognize and acknowledge this – and find the good in yourself – you become empowered to do more good for the good of the whole world.
And at the very least – you open yourself to more potential and possibilities to improve your life experience. More than enough good to go around.
Finding the good in yourself isn’t hard
It’s all about working with mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, and intentions to direct your actions.
When you recognize and acknowledge that you have good intentions, and don’t actively, or knowingly seek to hurt or harm others, you can seek and find the good in yourself in its many forms. Knowing that the good in you is abundant and has many sources, you can seek and find it, bring it from your depths to the surface, and employ it to get through the muck of the outside world and put yourself in a better place mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and even physically.
This empowers you – and in turn, your empowerment can empower others around you.
Taking an approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast cylinder that exists between them – shifts matters in a way to open more dialogue. In that form, you can explore and share where you are between the extremes and how that impacts you here and now.
Choosing thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions for yourself employs an approach and attitude of positivity for realizing amazing potential and possibilities for your life.
Lastly, the better aware you are of yourself in the now, the more you can do to choose and decide how your life experiences will be. When that empowers you, it can also open those around you to their empowerment.
To me, that’s a worthwhile endeavor to explore and share.
Thank you for coming along on this journey.
This is the four hundred-and-eighty-eighth entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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