The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Fear Is Always There, But You Can Choose How It Impacts You

Fear is a choice more often than not.

Photo by Emmeline T. on Unsplash

In its original incarnation, fear is not a bad thing. That’s because fear in its purest form keeps you alive.

Fear of predators, of climbing too high in the trees, of running too gingerly at the edges of cliffs, of swimming too deep into the waves, kept early humankind alive. Really, it’s by the grace of fear that the human race evolved to the place we enjoy now, atop the food chain with nary a predator we can’t fight off.

Unfortunately, fear has also evolved. Now, more than the tangibles that will lead to death, it’s all about the intangibles that lead to embarrassment, shame, regret, self-loathing, and the like. Now it’s all about fear of failure, abandonment, missing out, and numerous matters great and small but all intangible.

Then, just to add insult to injury, with fear being mostly intangible, it’s increasingly weaponized. How else did the USA reach the place we’re at today? Weaponizing fear of “the other”, of scarcity, insufficiency, lack, and the idea of losing what you already have. Deepening the fear base of society and taking it up another level.

When you look at the outside world, it can be scary. There is so much concern, uncertainty, and various forms of fear in your face.

That, however, is the key. In your face, outside of you. That’s something you can choose to do something about.

Everything is an inside job

When all is said and done, you are the only one in your head, heart, and soul. Nobody but you can think, feel, intend, or act for you but you. What’s more, nobody can force you to be, do, or act in any way you don’t choose.

It often feels like this is a lie. Or if it’s not a lie, such actions will be deemed selfish and/or irresponsible and/or unacceptable. This is not true, however.

In the end, you choose who, what, where, how, and why you are. Even if the choices you have to pick from come with limitations due to location, environment, financial situation, education, and other outside influences, you still have and can make them.

Looking more closely, it becomes clear that most of the dissatisfaction and uncertainty people feel arises from choices and decisions not made. People wait too long and lose out, allow indecision to stay their hand, or choose small and less than they’re worthy of for fear of failure and/or success. Think about it, look at your life and the people in it. Every time I have, I can’t disprove this idea.

When it comes to all the things in the world outside of you, and how scary they are, you can do little to nothing about them. What you can and do control, however, are your choices and decisions. Even the little, seemingly insignificant ones can and do have a broader impact on your day-to-day life experience.

Is your fear here and now or otherwise abstract?

Another important matter is this: Now, the present, is the only time that is completely, totally, and utterly real. The past has come and gone and gets colored by nostalgia, Pollyanaism, personal biases, prejudices, beliefs, and other surreal elements. The future, on the other hand, is unwritten and can’t be predicted because, to be blunt, shit happens.

Classical, tangible fear was an in-the-moment reaction to a lion stalking you, the branch you were standing on cracking, emerging from the tall grass at a run onto a cliff’s edge, feeling a strong undercurrent pulling at you, and the like. Real, tangible, life-or-death danger in the present. A healthy fear that allowed you to choose options to preserve your life.

Intangible fear is seldom life or death. Because it still feels like it is, however, we take it as literally as tangible fear. Yet we are capable of recognizing and acknowledging this. From there, we gain the power to choose to let it impact us – or not.

To recognize the choice, you must recognize and acknowledge if what you are afraid of is something tangible, in the here and now, or an abstract. If the former, take appropriate action to stay alive. But, if – more likely – it’s the latter, choose a course of action to circumvent and walk away from it.

Yes, this is easier said than done. But once you start, you gain strength each time. Like working any muscle, the more you work it the stronger it gets. This is just as true of choosing and deciding whether to be afraid of intangibles or not.

Choice is not disregard

One very important note. Just because it’s intangible doesn’t mean it’s not harmful. Statistically speaking, for example, the first time you smoke a cigarette you’re likely to come to no harm. Become a regular smoker, however, and now you’re putting your life in danger.

Some of the things you fear coming to pass will be harmful if they do. Remain diligent about them and do something if you can. But hyper-focusing on them, studying them from every angle, and sharing the worst-case scenarios far and wide does nobody, especially yourself, any good.

Consciousness creates reality. I’m not saying that to suggest you ignore or disregard the possibility of the bad you’re worrying about. What I am saying is you should take this knowledge and put your focus on a tangible opposite of what you fear. Focus on people who can help prevent or fix the issue, give your attention to things “for” your cause rather than “against” it, and take action proactively rather than reactively.

Empowering yourself is not selfish. What’s more, when you’re empowered, you raise your energetic, vibrational frequency. When your frequency is raised that can raise the frequencies of other people around you. But you can only choose and decide for yourself and inspire/empower others. What they choose and decide you can’t control.

Seek out more reason and logic. Strive to be an example of courage and don’t let the fear overwhelm you or dictate your life experience. Know that you’re worthy and deserving of being the best you that you can be and living life here and now without fear driving you.

No, this isn’t easy. But I know I’d rather choose and decide if fear will impact me or not.

What will you choose and/or decide?

This is the six-hundred-eighty-fourth (684) exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – applying mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.

I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out my author website for the rest of my published fiction and nonfiction works.

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