The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Everything is Energy You Can Connect With

The limits on energy are only what you assign them.

I frequently write about energy. I believe that everything, at its core, is energy. It’s the point of origin for all. You and I begin and end as energy, neither created nor destroyed, frequently transmuted. From the tiniest subatomic particle to the largest star in the galaxy, all are sourced from energy. Hence, all are source energy.

What is source energy? It is pure energy in the ethers, surrounding us, penetrating us, and binding the galaxy together. Yes, it is The Force, but it’s still a very real thing. Source energy, or universal energy, is the end-all-be-all of all.

You are made of energy at your deepest, most intricate level. Everything you can see, touch, taste, smell, hear, sense, or otherwise engage with is made of energy. And of course, the devices that connect you and everyone across the world utilize it in a wholly different form. It’s everywhere, and constant, and it cannot be created nor destroyed, just transmuted and repurposed.

Meditation connects you to source energy

Meditating is a great means to allow you to connect and disconnect with the universe. On the one hand, you can seek out your own inner thoughts and manage them in new ways, while on the other hand, you can utterly lose yourself and join source energy for a time.

However you choose to meditate, this is an ultimate chance to pause, get ahold of yourself, experience the world while connected with everything at its most base existence, and also be disconnected from it all.

Why does connecting with source energy matter? Because it provides you with an opportunity to ultimately examine yourself. Not just the past and present, and not the immediate, touchable here-and-now, but your core, true, intentional self.

What does that mean? In Billy Joel’s The Stranger, the opening line is “Well we all have a face that we hide away forever, and we take them out and show ourselves when everyone has gone.”

The thing is, nobody just wears faces for other people. They wear them for themselves, too.

Sometimes this is a necessary evil. When you get out of bed after a restless night of insomnia, stub your toe, drop the cap of your toothpaste down the drain, and then burn your tongue on the first cup of coffee – chances are you might just spiral into a terrible day. However, if you work to leave that all behind and put on a different face, you don’t show up to work carrying with you that crazy, no-good, terrible morning.

Your choices and decisions

You choose to put on a different face in part for yourself so that you can do what needs to be done. Then, in part for everyone else, so that you don’t present to them a bitter, angry, flustered person nobody would want to be around, yourself included.

You’re constantly putting on different faces, different attitudes, and as such, leaving behind your genuine self. Frequently, who you really are is covered by a different persona that has been cultivated to help you walk the path you’ve currently chosen.

Connecting with source energy allows you to get back to your self beneath the faces you wear, under the surface, and deep into your core. You get to venture to a place where, merging into Universal energy, you needn’t wear even your skin, so you can be your most real, genuine, truest, authentic self.

This is not always easy. Sometimes when I meditate, getting into the zone is challenging. There are times I can neither focus nor unfocus, and I might just sit there quietly for more time than truly getting to merge into that source energy. But I strive to achieve this goal because I love the ultimate freedom deep meditation opens me up to.

Connect with source energy

When you go to source energy, you become energy. This is where you begin and it’s where you’ll end. You simply have transmuted into this meat suit you present to the world – fat, thin, short, tall, black, white, male, female, nonbinary, or what-have-you. The real, core you, is energy. Meditating connects you back to source and the roots of it all.

By converging with source energy, you allow yourself to be fully, completely, and totally open to endless possibilities. You’re ultimately free to experience both the little and the grand things. You can find the answers to almost all your questions because when you’re one with Universal energy, anything and everything is possible.

This is why energy is so important. When you recognize that you’re pure energy at your own core, and you seek to connect to that at the core of the universe, you can find calm, peace, contentment, and all the answers you could possibly desire.

I meditate daily because I find that the sensations I experience when connecting to Universal energy are incomparable. When I meditate, I feel as though I’m better able to manage everything that comes my way.

When you recognize that you are energy and that it’s the root of it all, you can make better choices and more happily traverse the paths you have chosen for your life.

Can you see how everything is energy that you can connect with?

This is the six-hundred-fifty-ninth (659) exploration of my Pathwalking philosophy. These weekly essays are my ideas for – and experiences with – applying mindfulness and positivity to walk along a chosen path of life to consciously create reality.

I share this journey as part of my desire to make a difference in this world and empower as many people as I can with conscious reality creation.

Thank you for joining me. Feel free to re-post and share this.

The first year of Pathwalking, including expanded ideas, is available here. Check out Amazon for my published fiction and nonfiction works.

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