The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do Change and Positivity Go Hand in Hand?

That largely depends on you.

Change and positivity go hand in hand
Photo by Alex Ware on Unsplash

Although it’s terrifying, there is an unavoidable truth to life, the Universe, and everything. The one and only constant through it all is change,

Change is inevitable. It can, will, and does happen. Change in and of itself is neutral. Its impact on you is going to vary depending on the environment, situation, circumstances, and lots of other factors.

Some change you can and do choose. Much of this might seem minor and insignificant but it’s not. That’s because making active choices and decisions for change is like any muscle. Work it more and it becomes stronger.

That’s how you can do incredible things to and for your life. The empowerment is incredible. This is the key to change and positivity going hand in hand.

You choose your own adventure

There are lots of ways to approach life. Some people see it as a slog and an unending string of happenings out of their control. To some, life might seem like a weird cosmic joke. No matter what you do someone unseen is moving mountains, pulling the strings, and/or laughing at your misfortunes.

Many people simply approach life with no expectations. They go with whatever comes their way, seldom making choices or decisions of any impact or significance. They let life live them but see it as neither positive nor negative, just as being.

Some people choose and decide frequently. They actively work to improve their lives, the lives of those around them, and the world beyond that. They strive to live life the best that they can and they work with change to build bigger and better.

It’s important to recognize here that empowered change is not selfish. The things that people who live in this way recognize that all are one. If you take away the good of another to embolden yourself, you are not a force of positive change. That’s because this form of change is all about abundance, and true selfishness comes from a place of lack and scarcity.

Whatever the case might be, you choose your own adventure in this life. You, and you alone, can choose to approach life from lack, scarcity, and fear – or – utter neutrality and inevitability – or – abundance and possibility.

Because you choose your own adventure you can take control over more change than not. But to truly work this you need to approach it from a place of abundance and positivity.

A sign that reads “We the people must take care of each other.” Change and positivity.
Photo by Dan Norris on Unsplash

How change and positivity go hand in hand

The first step is to acknowledge that vast swaths of change are outside of your control. You can’t change how anyone else thinks or feels. There is nothing you can do about the environment, weather, traffic, and other happenstances. This is part of the inevitability of change.

What you can control is everything having to do with you. Your internal being, specifically. You are the only one in your head, heart, and soul. Ergo, you are in control of your thoughts, feelings, actions, intentions, and approach to any given situation.

At least in the long run, you are in control. Your immediate reaction to anything that happens – good, bad, or otherwise – is automated. When you are in a car accident or get fired, the anger or fear that occurs in the moment simply is. However, after the initial shock, you can take control.

Now you get to choose and decide what to do next. Thus, you can take control of change for your betterment. Or not.

This is where change and positivity go hand in hand. Working from a positive place you can decide how to approach things and choose what will most light you up.

Life is what you choose and decide for it to be

Henry Ford said a very wise thing:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”

This is truer than most people realize. That’s because, by and large, you’ve been conditioned to follow the lead of others. First, it was parents. Then teachers. After that, you were conditioned to join the workforce and follow the lead of others. Though the conditioning is partially well-intentioned, it’s also incredibly limiting.

Society has expectations. To meet them, “they” want you mostly docile. Why? Because when you don’t actively choose and decide for yourself it’s easier to sway you to the opinions of others.

Politicians are experts at this. They love it when you take the bait hook, line, and sinker. Why? Because when they pull the inevitable bait and switch, they can convince you it isn’t them and their actions or inactions.

You are empowered to choose and decide for yourself. But – and this is important – only for yourself. You have no power whatsoever over anyone else’s thoughts, feelings, intentions, and so on.

This is a matter of positivity because when you approach it this way you can use choices and decisions to make your life how you most desire it to be. That’s how and why change and positivity go hand in hand. It all comes down to empowerment, and you are always worthy and deserving of being empowered.

Recognizing how change and positivity go hand in hand isn’t hard

It’s all about practicing mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, intentions, and approach to direct your actions.

When you recognize and acknowledge that change is a constant that will happen whether you choose it or not, you can make active choices and decisions from a place of abundance to work with that for your empowerment. Knowing that you can use this to build better, first for you than for others in your life, you can practice making more choices and decisions to use change and positivity hand in hand to do amazing things.

This empowers you, and your empowerment can empower others around you.

Consciously choosing your approach to life towards positivity or negativity – from the vast cylinder that exists between them – shifts life in a way that opens greater dialogue. With a broader dialogue, you can recognize, explore, and share where you are between the extremes and how that impacts you here and now.

Choosing thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions for yourself employs an approach and attitude of positivity for realizing amazing potential and possibilities for your life.

The better aware you are of yourself here and now, the better you can choose and decide what, how, and why your life experiences will be. When you empower yourself, it can spread to those around you for their empowerment.

Thank you for coming along on this journey.

This is the five-hundred-and-sixtieth (560) entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.

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