The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

It is certainly NOT the end of the world!

The world is NOT ending in December of 2012. Let’s just get that notion out there, right now. Seriously, people.  I don’t care that the Mayan long-form calendar ends, or that the planets are aligning or there will be a harmonic convergence or what-have-you.  The world is NOT coming to an end in a few months. Let’s look at all the world-ending prophecies we’ve had.  Just recently there was that crazy radio guy claiming the world was supposed to end


Thank you. These are two words that mean more than almost any others you can say.  They convey gratitude.  And gratitude is something we all too readily take for granted. It is pretty much impossible to get anywhere in life without being grateful for where you have gotten to, and for what you have. And yet gratitude is something that just does not come easily for many people.  We get so caught up in the bad news, the insanity of

Doing vs Undoing

Progress cannot be made by undoing anything. In the current political discourse, there has been a lot of talk about undoing this, or undoing that.  It’s all been about going back and taking apart what has been done.  But how can you possibly move forward when your action is backwards? Undoing is the opposite of doing.  It is backwards, not forwards motion.  If we want to see progress, if we want to see things move forward, undoing things gets us


Why does empowerment scare the government so badly? The easy answer is because they feel we will need them less if we have our own power.  That’s the short answer.  The full answer, however, takes a bit more thought. What IS empowerment, anyhow?  That’s the tough question.  Let’s turn to our friend for the answer: em·pow·er verb (used with object) 1. to give power or authority to; authorize, especially by legal or official means: I empowered my agent to make

An open letter to the American voters

Dear American Voters, Vote intelligently!  Look at the people running – really look at them, pay attention to what they have to say – and don’t be fooled!  Then VOTE! Apparently, a point has been reached in the political discourse in this country where blatant lies and unsubstantiated accusations don’t derail a candidacy.  Thanks to the immediacy of the 24 hour news cycle, all they care about is the soundbite…and getting it to the masses. There are some very serious,

Overcoming Negativity

Negativity begets negativity. It inundates us at every turn.  We are constantly being bombarded with negative messages, negative reinforcement, woe and lack and scarcity and no no no. Read the news about all the bad things happening in the world.  Pay attention to politics and be overwhelmed by negative campaigns.  Listen to how readily we talk about what we do not have, what we cannot have, and how terrible this, that or the other thing is.  Negativity comes easily. Well


Ever notice how easy it is to place blame?  Often, I don’t think we even realize we’re doing it. How many of these sound familiar?  I should never have listened to you.  You’re responsible for leading me there.  If I hadn’t taken your advice, this would be alright.  If my boss wasn’t so stupid, work would be great!  If you weren’t holding me back, I’d be successful! Shall we pay a visit to blame – noun; verb (used with object) 1. to hold responsible; find fault with; censure: I don’t blame

Why Faith should not replace Science

Science has taken a lot of abuse over the past decade or so.  A lot of ‘faith based’ organizations have been working overtime to discredit the scientific community.  And this is something we should all be far more disturbed by than we are. What is science?  Let’s visit for that: sci·ence noun 1. a branch of knowledge or study dealing with a body of facts or truths systematically arranged and showing the operation of general laws: the mathematical sciences.

That which does NOT divide us.

We are all different in so many ways.  Race, creed, color, gender, sexual orientation, nationality…but instead of focusing on our differences, and creating gaps and divides over them – we need to start focusing on all the ways we are the same. The business and political and religious leaders in this world love to explore, exploit, and emphasize all of our differences.  They use them to create fear of one group or another, to control whom they can, and to

Working on the only thing we really have control over

What if we all focused on ourselves for a while? I don’t mean everyone should become selfish – I mean rather than focusing on all the outside influences and all the negatives of the world, we redirect our focus on ourselves, and work to improve what we can in our own lives. This might be a radical idea, but as I read the news and all the negative things going on out there – be it political, religious, monetary, whatever