The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Compliments

YOU are an incredible, worthwhile, amazing person. How does that sit with you?  Do you take the compliment as complimentary, or does it make you uncomfortable?  Do you want to deny the statement, humble yourself? One of the best ways to reach a positive place it to learn to both give and receive compliments more freely. We as a society have gotten quite talented at finding the flaws, pointing out the inequities, and criticizing.  We point out the negatives easily

Positivity: Mindfulness

Last week I talked about attitude shifters.  This week is a step back, into the notion of mindfulness. What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is self-awareness.  It is knowing what you are thinking, how you are feeling, and who you are intent on being. It is continuously amazing to me how easily we lose sight of mindfulness.  We get caught up in all the things around us, the attitudes and feelings of the people we surround ourselves with, and that in turn

Positivity: Attitude Shifters

To help yourself be more positive, it is extremely helpful to have attitude shifters. What is an attitude shifter?  A shifter is something you can think about or focus on that will make you feel good. Shifters can come in any number of forms.  A picture of a person, place or thing that makes you feel happy.  A song or movie dialogue or comedy routine that puts you in a good mood.  A scent, the smell of something that brings


We all need positive energy. When we are constantly bombarded by news of tragedy and inundated with stories of greed and corruption it is increasingly difficult to find positive energy.  All you have to do is read through posts on Twitter or Facebook or Google+ from well-meaning friends and you will experience all the terrible things happening in the world today. It is very hard not to get increasingly frustrated, angry, incensed over the vast amounts of unfairness, stupidity, and

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