The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Refocus

Do you plan to have a good day, or a bad day? Do you wake up looking forward to all the possibility the day represents, or in dread of what is to come? This is where is it vitally important you know what you are focused on. If you intend to have a good day and explore new possibilities and expect good things, that goes a lot further towards making that your reality than if you expect a bad day

Positivity: New Year's Actions

New Year, new opportunities for Positivity. Many people take the change in calendar to try and make changes in their lives. As the year turns, it can feel like an opportunity is at hand to restart, refresh and renew our existence in some way or other. This has, for many, taken the form of New Year’s Resolutions. They make a promise to make a change, usually either to eat better or lose weight or go to the gym or something

Positivity: Like Attracts Like

Like attracts like. This is the reason why revenge never works in the quest for justice. An act of retribution will gain you nothing but further retribution. We are inundated by a constant barrage of negativity, and that is where we wind up putting our focus. We end up in a state of negative thinking, and as such like attracts like and we continue to draw in more things to feel badly about. Knowing this, it is important to make

Positivity: Thank You

Thank you. These two words are amongst the most powerful words in all of the English language. The power of thank you to make a person feel good, to convey gratitude is nearly immeasurable. Yet these two words are not employed with near enough frequency. Society has become so hyper-focused on big bad things around the globe that feeling thankful is challenging at best. Yet it is important to not lose sight of the little things we have, and remember

Positivity: Change

Everything changes. This is momentously positive, because given that everything changes, even the worst of circumstances can be improved and positivity can be generated. Some change is gradual, some is swift. Some is wanted, some is unwanted. Some change is within our control and some is not. Change is inevitable, it is undeniable, and it is a matter of neutrality that is only positive or negative depending on your own perspective. Does the world seem really terrible at the moment?

Positivity: Positivity

Positivity cannot be created by thought alone. It cannot be forced. Over the years there have been numerous concepts presented to us about the “power of positive thinking”. What many take away from this notion is that if you think positive, you will create a better life for yourself. The problem is, that’s only half the battle, so to speak. It is not just thought, but feeling. If you think positive but don’t feel positive, the end result is not

Positivity: Thanks Giving

This week we will be celebrating Thanksgiving (at least in the United States). I want to ignore both the moral issues of the Colonists and Native Americans, as well as the modern-day commercialization of the holidays overall, and focus on the words and the intent. Thanks. Giving. Giving Thanks. I have said that Thank You are the two most powerful words in the English language after I AM. While the specifics of this particular day may not be to everyone’s

Positivity: Cleaning

Sometimes it seems like a chore, but there is nothing like cleaning to create a more positive environment. When you clear away the clutter, vacuum up the dirt, dust the shelves, whatever you do to clean your space, it changes the feeling. That change can create a huge amount of positivity. I find that when I let my space go; when the clutter on my desk becomes a precarious stack of paper and and books and stuff – I find

Positivity: Help

There is great power in both helping, and allowing yourself to be helped. Some people see needing assistance as a weakness. They see needing other people to do whatever it is they are trying to do as a sign of failure. But the truth is, we need people. What’s more, there are going to be times when we need help from people. Further, there are times when giving aid is equally important. I don’t know anybody who can do everything.

Positivity: Pride

They say that Pride goeth before the fall. Certainly being prideful and boastful and over-the-top can be a huge generator of negativity. However, in moderation, a little pride is a positive thing. We have become so enamored of the mediocre and equality for everyone that we are loathe to take pride in a job well done. We have to be more humble than proud when we accomplish or achieve something. We have to be wary of the perception of others.

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