The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Turning Negativity Around

What do I do when I am surrounded by negative people? That’s a really good question. What DO you do? In especial when you have no means by which to escape them (co-workers and family come to mind here). This is not too dissimilar in respects to news articles and social media posts calling attention to negative things, except those you can delete and ignore. How do you deal with other people’s negativity and not have that impact you? Every

Positivity: You Deserve It!

You deserve it. I don’t know what it is for you, but you deserve it. It might be an emotion like happiness. Or love. Or joy. It might be a thing, like a job. Or relationship. Or home. It might be small or grand, but whatever it is you deserve it. Too many places tell us how we are unworthy. We are too poor, too fat, too weak, too foolish to be worthy of anything. That is a lie. You

Positivity: You Set the Tone

I get to set the tone for my day. Will it be a good day? Will it be a bad day? Will it be a productive day? Will it be a day of total time mismanagement? It’s entirely up to me. It can be really easy to forget that we are in control of our emotions. Yes, things happen that trigger an emotional response in us, but we get to make the choice about how we are going to feel.

Positivity: You Are Amazing

You are an amazing individual. No, really. I might not know you in the slightest, but I can honestly tell you that you are an amazing person. We may disagree about any number of topics, we may have totally different and diametrically opposed backgrounds, but I can still tell you that you are an amazing individual. We tend to not give ourselves enough credit. We look for our faults, we work on the things about ourselves that are flawed…but this

Positivity: Accolades

Everybody likes to get accolades. Receiving a reward for a job well done certainly generates a lot of positivity. This does not need to be a grand thing, sometimes it takes nothing more than being told “thank you”. Accolades are something that everyone appreciates. Even when we do the things we do because it’s simply what we do, being rewarded in some fashion makes it extra special. As the social creatures that we are, we seek the recognition of our

Positivity: Equality

Equality is a massive expression of Positivity. What could be more positive than equality between people? No matter our differences in skin color, gender, religion, nationality or sexual orientation we all desire equality, and that is a positive thing. We live in a universe of abundance. The problem we encounter is that those in power want to horde as much power to themselves as possible. That just does not work, because they miss that in empowering people they actually further

Positivity: The Family you choose

You can choose your family. I know that they say you cannot choose your family – but you can. Yes, there is family that you are born into. Yes, your blood family can be complicated, argumentative and unsupportive as much as they can be loving and magnificent. Family is not just those you are related to by blood. Family is not simply brothers and sisters and aunts and uncles and cousins and such – family can be more. Family can

Positivity: The Challenge

I started the weekly blog about Positivity because Monday in particular seems to bring out an immense amount of negativity. Perhaps it is the completion of what for most people is the “weekend”, that two days where you are not at work and doing things you want versus things you have to. Perhaps the return to the work week and the pressures of earning a living as opposed to hanging out with friends and family overwhelms our ability to feel

Positivity: Forward Motion

Life is always in motion. You will find that even when you are idle, things progress. The world is never perfectly still, life never actually comes to a stop. We are always moving along. Humans have an astounding number of choices for how our lives can be lived. The rest of the animal kingdom of this world pretty much lives for survival, but we do so very much more than merely survive. We are builders and destroyers, creators and evaluators

Positivity: Letting Go

Letting go of things that do not serve you is immensely positive. I try very hard to let go of things that make me angry, or upset, or just generally unhappy. I find that if I dwell on things, if I hold onto negativity it becomes unbelievably hard to let go of. We all have situations that make us unhappy. We all have bad days, we all deal with people we would rather not deal with. It is completely unavoidable.

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