The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: What you carry with you

What do you carry with you? When you wake up in the morning, do you begin feeling renewed? Do you start out your day looking forward to what’s coming, or dreading what’s ahead? We all carry different weights on our shoulders. We all have things we have to do, whether we are fans of them or no. The important part is what we choose to make of these weights. Challenges or burdens? Problems or opportunities? Matters or issues? They’re going

Positivity: Run with it

Let it happen, or run with it. Life is all about choices. We can choose to accept life as it comes, or we can do our best to empower ourselves and take control over it. When we are inundated by the big pictures of our world, it can be a rather depressing place. So much anger, so much hatred, so very much fear. We are soaked within it, and expected to shake our heads sadly and wonder what, if anything,

Positivity: Action for the New Year

You have the power to take action and change. As the year draws to a close, instead of making a resolution, take an action to change your life. A resolution is merely a thought, and maybe an emotion. I resolve to eat healthier. I resolve to go to the gym regularly. I resolve to put more money into savings. Resolution is thought and the feeling it will bring about. Resolution is a step in the right direction, but it lacks

Positivity: You Are Amazing

Who you are is pretty amazing. It does not matter what job you have or what categories you place yourself into – you are amazing. Geek, jock, nerd, Gen-Xer, Millenial, man, woman, gay, straight, bi, trans, black, white, tall, short, fat, thin, American, Asian, Christian, Muslim…doesn’t matter, you are amazing. We live on a planet with a rich diversity of ideas, of cultures, of traditions. We can communicate instantly across the globe with little or no effort. We can experience

Positivity: Anticipation

Anticipation can be exciting. I am, for those of you who don’t know me, a huge fan of the Star Wars universe. This week Episode VII will be released. I cannot begin to express just how excited I am to be seeing this movie in a few days! The anticipation is nearly tangible. I feel positive, I feel excited, I feel a sense of joy akin to some of my best childhood memories. No matter what the thing that causes

Positivity: Little Things

Little things matter. When the big picture is scary and undesirable, it is easy to neglect the small stuff, the little things in life that make it what it is. Some of these things are tangible, some are not. The importance of them is of a magnitude we easily forget and do not recognize the significance of. Why do little things matter? Because the big things do not evolve out of a vacuum. They begin as little things and grow.

Positivity: Your Potential

You have more potential than you realize. I have no doubt you have seen this somewhere before. I think every single self-help concept in existence makes this particular statement. All the new-age teachers and concepts like The Secret and The Law of Attraction say it. This does not make it any less true. This applies to everyone. It is a simple fact. Some days it is just harder to see and recognize and acknowledge than other days. We live in

Positivity: Compassion

Compassion is something we all crave. We want the people around us to take our hopes and dreams into account in their actions as much as we might consider theirs in ours. What is compassion? defines it thus: A feeling of deep sympathy and sorrow for another who is stricken by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to alleviate the suffering. When we see people suffering we want to step up and help them. We want to do what we can to better their lot, because that is what we would want them to do for us. Compassion is

Positivity: Build Peace

Positivity is a key to peace. Chaos, disorder, negativity are the weapons terrorists employ. They work to make us fear those who are different from us, to change who we are and what we do, they use terror and fear to sew doubt, discord and disharmony in the world. Peace is possible. When we think, feel and take inspired action to create positivity we keep the fear and terror at bay, and as such we build for ourselves a better

Positivity: Be Wacky

Sometimes you just need to be wacky. You need to be unusual. Different. What others might call strange. We all have moments when we do things that are not the norm, and get called out on them. We do things that are unusual, that don’t track the same as what everyone else is doing. We do silly, crazy, bizarre and absurd things from time to time. Rather than deny, disseminate or divert attention from these, we should embrace them. It

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