The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: Repetition is not Insanity

Albert Einstein said, “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This is so very simple.  If you try the exact same thing time and again with no variations, you will get the same results.  That’s a big part of what scientific testing is all about. Every single week I post Positivity.  Is it insanity?  No.  Why?  Because I am not doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. I am

Positivity: Holidays and Celebrations

Everyday can be a holiday. That means that every day we can find something to celebrate. There are so many holidays out there that have very specific meanings.  Beyond that, there are feast days for Saints every single day.  So why do we only choose to celebrate on these specific days? Halloween, Presidents’ Day, Labor Day, Memorial Day, Arbor Day, Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanza, Barthdays…these are just some of the familiar holidays.  Then there are more obscure ones like Talk like

Positivity: Be Happy

I want to be happy. Don’t you? Doesn’t that sound like a fantastic idea? What do we have to do to feel happy? That’s the challenge we all face. In especial when we’re inundated with conflict and messages of exclusion and hate and fear. Hard to find happy when there are so many messages that are the opposite. It is time to take back our power and do what it takes to be happy. It might be something grand, like

Positivity: Leap Day

Only once every four years do we get this extra day. There are so many things we can do with an extra day. It is an additional twenty-four hours of possibility, potential, opportunity and all manner of positive things. We are all obsessed in this society with time. Linear time in particular. Because we all have schedules for our days we are constantly chasing time. Time to get out of bed. Time to eat breakfast. Time to go to work.

Positivity: Words

Think before you speak. How many times have you heard or read this phrase? How many times has it been directed at you? I believe if more of us took the time to follow this idea, we would live in a world that is less divisive, less angry, less full of fear. All too often people just speak off the cuff. They don’t consider their words, they don’t care just how powerful they may be. Yes, I am very specifically

Positivity: Expressing Love

I love you. This is the most powerful phrase in the world. It can lighten our step, it can change our mood, it can make our world better in ways beyond measure. I used to be terrified of this phrase. The implications behind it, the commitment, the expectations. I didn’t want to say it because I know that it can be ever changing, that it can be impermanent, and that it can be as destructive as it can be powerful.

Positivity: Fighting Depression

Despite working to maintain and promote positivity, sometimes depression is unavoidable. I know how this works. You put the energy and focus into maintaining a positive mindset, you use the many tools available to build positivity – and yet you still get sat upon by the black dog of depression. What do you do with that behemoth breathing in your face? Depression is not something to be denied or ignored. If you have depression, It is a part of your

Positivity: Resist the Hate

Don’t let the haters win. Hatred is usually based in fear. Fear of change, fear of the unknown, fear of things and beliefs and ideas that are different. Hate is an extreme emotion that fearmongers love to employ in order to gather followers and to taint viewpoints for their own gain. Yes, the ludicrously long election cycle in America is about to get more focused, and a lot of what has already proceeded this is a ton of hatred, fear,

Positivity: Helping Others

We all need help from time to time. So, too, do other people around us. The incredible amount of Positivity that comes from helping others is tremendously powerful. Whether you are lending a hand to a friend or a loved one or a total stranger, the power of giving can create a huge cache of positivity. There are a couple key things to keep in mind when it comes to giving. First – know the difference between giving and sacrificing.

Positivity: Always something to be Positive about

There is always something to be positive about. Sometimes you have to look harder than others, but there is always something. I know there are times when it all seems as though it is for naught. That it is hopeless, and that there is little to no point. Despite this, I maintain there is always something to be positive about. You are alive. You are here, you are breathing. You have opportunities and options before you. You have a chance

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