The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity: A metaphor for Safety

Even with the safety harness, you don’t want to lose your balance and fall. I recently did a “treetop” ropes course.  Various obstacles to be crossed, thirty-five feet in the air, including rope bridges and tightropes and other challenging constructs.  You cross the obstacles from platform to platform in a harness on a secure line, but you still don’t want to fall. It occurs to me, however, that this is an interesting metaphor of our lives.  Even when we fall,

Positivity: Combating Lethargy

Some days you wake up, and you are ready to go. Some days you awaken, and you just don’t want to get out of bed. There are mornings where it is all about being energized.  Happy, looking forward to the day, ready to face anything that comes your way. There ae mornings where it is all about the snooze button.  Don’t want to get out of bed.  Don’t want to go to work.  Ready to face nothing and wishing to

Positivity: Changing Habits

Habits can be changed. What is a habit?  A habit is a thing you do regularly, to the point where it is almost involuntary.  You just do it, hardly thinking about it.  It is your way. Some habits are neutral, like bathing and napping and using the blinker in your car to signal lane changes.  Some are good, like holding doors for people, changing empty toilet paper rolls and picking up litter.  Some are bad, like smoking or always interrupting

Positivity: Words Matter

Words matter. What that means is that what you write or say can have an impact, positive or negative.  Do you build or destroy with your words?  Inspire or terrorize?  Spew love or hate?  Give or take? People often forget just how important the words we use are.  Sometimes we fear the power of certain words and phrases, but neglect that there are always options. There are more than 200,000 words in the English dictionary, when you include the obsolete

Positivity: Unconditional Love

I love you. Doesn’t matter who you are, it does not matter how I know you.  I love you.  I love you for your humanity, for your intelligence, for your strength, for your weaknesses, for your heart and soul.  I love you for being. Why are we so very frightened to say these words?  When did the notion of love become so complicated?  Why is love broken down into so many subdivisions and categories and so full of stipulations and

Positivity: Tools for Positivity

Finding positivity is not hard, it just requires action.  This is not as daunting as it may first appear. We are bombarded daily with negativity.  Some is intentional, aimed at causing us fear and distress in an effort to control us.  More often, though, it’s unintentional, like a friend trying to share with us a situation that is in need of attention, but is infuriating. We cannot avoid, ignore, or neglect these things.  We can, however, choose not to let

Positivity: Determination

I am determined to find Positivity. Negativity is everywhere.  Like, wow, this is so overwhelming how inundated by negative messages we are right now.  Anger, hatred, fear, both directed and passive are every way we turn. It feels almost inescapable.  The national and international news is so completely full to overflowing in negativity, coupled with unpleasant feelings towards the new work week and weather and…it can feel like it is all too much. I am determined to find Positivity. I

Positivity: Learning

There is always something to be learned. No matter how much information you take in, no matter how many books you read, how many formal or informal classes you take, how many masters you study, there is always something more to learn. It is an incredible source of positivity to know that you can always gain something new, acquire previously unknown information, and explore way beyond your current base of knowledge. Whether you learn something new about a topic you

Positivity: Forgive Yourself

The hardest person to forgive is yourself.  There is tremendous positivity in forgiveness. Whether you are not meeting what you think other people expect of you, or more likely you are not living up to your own expectations, you probably have experienced a need to forgive yourself, and that can be challenging. It is important that we recognize we are only human, and forgive ourselves when we are less-than-perfect. Thing is, everyone is perfectly themselves, and as such perfectly imperfect. 

Pathwalking 243

We all experience things that cause us to have an immediate, negative emotional response. Last week I wrote about not holding onto that and letting it take hold of you. So, what are some means by which to cope with a negative emotional response? Everyone can employ something different, and there is of course no one true response.  Also, situationally, different matters may call for a different response.  Some options for releasing that immediate negative response could include meditation, crying,

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