The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Do Your People Create Positivity?

Your people are a huge contributor to positivity. There is a difference between people, and YOUR people.  People in the general sense of the world, like the population of the planet, can be utterly infuriating.  But YOUR people are those whom you hold close.  Your confidants, family, friends and loved ones. We all have individuals that improve our lives.  Members of the human race that help us find calm, find happiness and peace and joy.  There is someone out there

How Is Education Empowering?

Ignorance may be bliss, but education is empowerment. The more we learn, the more we become capable of.  The more abilities we develop, the more skills we hone, the abler we are to change the world for the better. One of the failings of many of our leaders is their desire to keep us ignorant.  It’s a matter of their retention of control to keep us reliant on them for our understanding of certain matters.  Rather than empower, they prefer

How Awesome Are You?

You are awesome.  Yes, I am talking to YOU. We are not told frequently enough how incredible we are.  You are awesome.  For real, you are an amazing, incredible person, and you have a lot to offer to this world. Self-doubt has the unfortunate power of stopping us from becoming what we want to be.  Some of the doubt is due to outside influences, but the majority is on each and every one of us.  We are our own worst

How Empowering is Humanity?

Your hate is not more powerful than our humanity. That was the message delivered soundly in Boston this past weekend.  The protesters from the alt-right, neo-Nazis, white supremacists and other hate groups were exponentially outnumbered by the counter-protesters.  People standing for unity, for equality, and peace proved they were much, much stronger than haters. The positivity of this act is immeasurable.  In a time when the fear in our society has been growing continuously, to witness empowerment on that scale

Five Questions for Restoring Positivity

Restoring Positivity can be challenging. Here in the United States, we have recently been inundated by messages of hatred, intolerance, bigotry and worse.  Active hate groups are feeling empowered by certain elements of our government, and have been spewing their venom unabashedly. Hard to feel positive in the face of this.  And yet, Positivity is the key to overcoming the hate. Here are five questions which will help us to restore our Positivity when we are feeling powerless, sad, angry,

What does a vacation do for Positivity?

Sometimes you need a vacation. Everybody needs to get away from it all.  We all need to reset, we all need to not have our usual routine; we need to be free of our day-to-day existence. Even if it’s only a day, everyone can use vacation. As you are reading this, I am on vacation.  If you’ve been a reader for some time, you will note this time of the year I take the same vacation.  Not only am I

What if you can only feel Negativity today?

Everyone has bad days.  Everyone experiences relentless negativity. No matter how hard we try, no matter the attitude shifters or positive things for our awareness we work to use, there are going to be bad days. While I created these weekly posts to generate positivity, in order to help myself and anyone reading along, I acknowledge that there are days it simply does not work.  No matter what we employ, no matter what we try, this day is terrible. There

Ten Positive Things for your Awareness

Positive things feels better than negativity. This is a simple statement of fact.  Negativity simply put does not feel good.  Positivity does. Nobody wants to feel bad, angry, distressed, upset, depressed, or any of the myriad of negative feelings we can feel.  Yet we practically bathe in negativity daily. Why?  Because we are utterly immersed in it.  Social media is full of complaints, the news is often upsetting or depressing, and we tend to think about it, talk about it,

Can Positivity Make You Happy?

Ultimately, everybody wants to be happy. I believe that’s what we all most want.  Happiness.  When we are happy, we are more capable of living a complete, satisfying life. Positivity is a direct path to happiness.  Happiness is one of the ultimate in positive feelings, which is why it’s so important that we find and cultivate it as much as we can. There is more than enough anger, intolerance, unhappiness and outright hatred in the world.  Adding to that only

Is Negativity Easier than Positivity?

Negativity only seems easier than positivity because we are absolutely inundated by it. Don’t believe me?  Look how many of the news articles we read begin with a message that’s negative.  How many politicians focus more on the negatives of their opponents rather than their own positives?  How many people on your social media accounts are complaining about it being Monday? Everywhere we turn we are bombarded by negative messages.  We are constantly being showered with this is failing or

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