The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

How Does Appreciation Empower Us?

Appreciation appreciates. Everybody likes to be appreciated.  Being thanked in whatever form it takes goes a long ways towards feeling good and generating positivity. Receiving appreciation is huge.  Expressing appreciation is even more ginormous. We live in an abundant universe.  Lack and scarcity are manmade concepts, used to disempower the masses, and keep the collective consciousness controlled by a small group of individuals.  Every single one of us has the power to create amazing lives where we will not lack

Why Seek Positivity? Just Because.

The world needs more positivity.  Why?  Just because, that’s why. When we have more positivity in our lives, we feel better.  When you get right down to our fundamental motivations, feeling good is pretty much the main driving force for everyone for everything. Positivity does not need to be complex.  It can be insanely simple.  Everyday things like dogs and cats, sunshine, interestingly shaped clouds, a cup of coffee, the antics of a small child, moonlight, laughter, the feel of

Do You Believe?

Do you believe in magic? Do you believe that the world is exactly as it is presented to us every day?  Believe that we are all victims of circumstance, playthings of the Universe, and bound by an uncontrollable fate? Or do you believe there is more? I believe that Consciousness Creates Reality.  We have in each and every one of us the power to build a better world.  All of us are capable of becoming amazing.  It just takes the

What Matters Most?

What matters is being the best you that you can be. Nobody but you knows who you are.  That’s the long and short of it. Let’s look at a single universal truth.  No matter how we act, no matter how much we strive to be real and genuine, people will perceive us based on their own experiences, expectations, prejudices and knowledge.  They will judge you based on how they perceive their own world, and there is nothing you or I

Does Optimism Generate Positivity?

Optimism is a good thing. Having an optimistic outlook on life, the universe and everything is at least forty-two times better than not.  If consciousness creates reality, then it goes to follow that if we have a negative outlook, we draw more negativity to us. Optimism and positivity go hand-in-hand.  Both also suffer from a similar stigma.  Many people see optimism and positivity as being pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored glasses wearing ideals.  Sunshine and rainbows, flights of fancy with no roots in

How Does Confidence Build Positivity?

Confidence goes a long ways towards building positivity. When you are confident in who you are and what you do, you can create some pretty amazing things. Even if you are not a terribly confident feeling person, there are many different actions you can take that will generate confidence, and confidence in turn will develop some powerful positivity. First there is posture.  I know that I tend to slouch.  A lot.  Sitting and standing more erect exudes confidence physically.  Also,

How Much Are You Capable Of?

You are capable of anything you put your thought and feeling into. Has anyone told you that of late?  Well it’s true.  You are more capable of more things than you probably realize, and I want to tell you this. Why am I telling you this?  How do I know?  Because I know that I am capable of consciously creating a reality of my own choosing, and if I am able to that, then so are you. You and I

How Does Caring Empower?

Caring for others will always increase Positivity. Human beings are social creatures.  Yes, there are introverts, extroverts, and ambiverts, but we all still have a basic need for some interaction.  Even the most introverted people I know still give and receive care. Caring and empathy are connected.  I believe that every reasonable person cares when they see others hurting, whether that is hurting spiritually, emotionally or physically.  Empathizing with people going through things can build tremendous positivity. When we express

How Does Inspiration Create Positivity?

Inspiration comes in many forms. Different things inspire different people, of course.  People can find inspiration in any of the five senses.  The taste of chocolate.  A piece of music.  The smell of fresh brewed coffee.  Sunlight in your eyes.  The feel of silk beneath your hands.  That sense of comfort and love from those closest to you.  Any of these alone or in combination can spark the imagination and inspire great things. Inspiration has been personified throughout history.  The

How Does Joy Create Positivity?

Pure, unadulterated joy. Don’t you love that feeling?  The freedom, the release, the positivity?  That feeling of comfort and warmth and bliss that makes you smile and remember what it is to be alive? We are so inundated with dread, fear, anger, hatred, division and harsh reality.  Everyone is constantly being subjected to grim news and intolerance and denial of joy.  We are slaves to community, to jobs and finances and responsibilities that rob us of pure joyfulness. I believe

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