The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Positivity is Not Superficial

Positivity can seem pretty superficial in the face of reality. This has made writing this particularly difficult for me today.  My government is doing something truly awful, and while on the one hand I feel powerless to do anything about this, I will not be quiet and ignore it, either.  And it is infuriating. Pardon the interruption, but I am going to state this right now.  We cannot stand for this disgusting action on the part of the US government. 

Does it Cost Anything to Be Kind?

Be kind.  To yourself, to others whether they are family, friend, or random stranger. The world could use more kindness. I think one of the reasons so many people feel so defeated is because we are not only inundated by tremendous amounts of negativity, but also awful people.  So many people doing such terrible things, whether great or small.  A total lack of decency, let alone empathy or sympathy or any amount of kindness pervades too much of the world

What is Best for You?

Doing what is best for you does not make you a bad person. A lot of people have come to the idea that if they care for themselves or put themselves first, it makes them a bad person.  It looks selfish.  They might feel as if other people will see them in a poor light. Self-care is so, so much more important than we make it, folks.  We need to better care for ourselves, and that means that doing what

Expressing Gratitude on Memorial Day

Expressing gratitude develops tremendous positivity. Today is Memorial Day, and I want to say Thank You to all of those who have served the country for the greater good of all.  Those who have chosen to put their lives on the line so that the rest of us may live in relative peace and comfort are not thanked enough for all that they do and have done. Today we remember those who died protecting our freedoms.  Expressing gratitude for the

What Does it Mean to Live in the Now?

To live in the now is ultimate positivity.  Why?  Because we are living. No matter our present circumstances, we are here, living in a world of incredible abundance and possibility, now.  The positivity of this is incalculable. I know that this can be difficult to believe.  I struggle with it, too.  There are responsibilities, bills to pay, weight to lose and other matters that don’t feel so positive.  Yet when we live in the now, we can experience a higher

How Do You Celebrate the People in Your Life?

Celebrate the people in your life every day. There are any number of holidays upon which we remember specific people.  Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Veteran’s Day, Memorial Day and Labor Day celebrate individuals or groups.  But we should do all we can to celebrate people every day. While I often discuss here the idea of self-care and doing things for ourselves, it cannot be to the detriment of people who are in our lives.  Even the most introverted amongst us

What Makes You Laugh?

Do you laugh often enough? I am not just writing about a chuckle here and there, or a derisive snort.  I am talking about a thorough, complete, can-hardly-breathe-almost-crying laugh.  A laugh of pure positivity and joy. We all know that there are some pretty awful things going on in the world.  Everybody has their struggles and their challenges.  But we also have endless possibilities and options, and chances to find things that bring us joy. Know that you are worthy

How Do Desire and Want Differ?

Desire is an expression of abundance. Want is an expression of lack. When it comes to self-talk, it is imperative to be aware of the difference in these. Consciousness creates reality.  If we are focused on “wanting” something, we don’t realize that we are taking a lack approach.  Because words matter, it’s important to be aware of the power of what we say, and even how we say things. This also applies to the words we think and don’t necessarily

Does Self-Care Create Positivity?

Self-care is empowering. When we do things to care for our own health and wellbeing, we provide ourselves with the ability to give more to others. Self-care is not selfish. When we take care of our own needs; comfort; intellectual, emotional and physical stimulation, we actually are empowering ourselves to give more to others. Our smartphones can do incredible things.  They can find directions, connect us to friends and family, get us information across the globe, provide hours of entertainment,

What Tone Will You Set For Today?

I get to set the tone for my day. Will it be a good day?  A bad day?  Will it be a productive day?  Is this going to be a day of total time mismanagement?  I alone know and choose what it will be.  It’s entirely up to me. It can be really easy to forget, when all is said and done, that we are in control of our emotions.  Yes, things happen outside of our control that could trigger

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