The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Nobody Can Predict the Future

Nobody can predict the future, and this can be frustrating for many people – but it can truly be a good thing, too. When you woke up today, you may or may not have had a plan. Perhaps you have a daily routine that you will be following, and the expected outcome of that is fairly constant. You know who you are, you know what you will be doing…and then something happens. Your car breaks down. Someone you know has

How Do Positivity and Toxic Positivity Differ?

The difference in how each variant of positivity works comes down to reality. I am a huge proponent of positivity. That should come as no surprise. However, I also believe that you cannot just live on positivity. Bad things occur, shit happens, and you cannot just avoid, deny, or neglect that. The notion of toxic positivity is to deny and ignore the negative. Gloss it over, pretend it is not there. But that’s not realistic in any way. Life is

This Is Good Because…

Finding the good in the middle of the bad. The current reality in which we are living is distressing, depressing, uncertain, and confusing as all get out. None of us have experienced something like this in our lifetime. The global pandemic has us taking extreme measures. We are sheltering in place, social distancing, and severely limiting how much time we spend in public, even of necessity. (Or at least – we should be.) Yes, there are some for whom nothing

Positivity Is the Best Offensive

In difficult times you need to choose the right offensive This has, thus far, been one of the most bizarre years of my life. I am not alone, because that which is impacting me is impacting you, too. It began with the always insane election process and the various ugliness that produces, whatever side you take. Of course, the whole climate change issue looms in the background to varying degrees. Then a virus becomes center-stage, and everyone is taking drastic

Mindfulness to Create Positivity is NOT Selfish

It is not selfish to use mindfulness to create positivity. Being aware of yourself makes you more aware of everyone and everything else, too. I do not doubt that many people see the idea of mindfulness practice as selfish. Putting your self-awareness ahead of others is counterintuitive nowadays to how good people approach life. I would argue that mindfulness is certainly not selfish because it helps you to be even MORE aware of others. Why? Because mindfulness starts at you

Every Instance is Unique

Every instance in your life is unique, and you get to decide to take advantage of that or not. The Japanese and the Germans tend to have words and super-short phrases that cover a wide swath of unique situations. These can be translated into English, albeit imperfectly, to convey their message. For example, schadenfreude from the German – pleasure/satisfaction/joy in learning of another’s failure or humiliation. One particular Japanese phrase brought to my attention in an audiobook of the same

All You Have To Do

All you have to do is make a choice. Decide to be aware. Work to find or create positivity. You have a choice. You can choose to be aware of your thoughts, feelings, and actions – mindful – or not. Being mindful brings you to the now and allows you to choose whether your thoughts and feelings rule you or if you will rule them. Mindfulness is not just the awareness of your thoughts, feelings, and actions…but then choosing what

Did You Know You Can Choose Something Positive Right Now?

How are you feeling today? At this moment, you can choose something negative or choose something positive. It’s up to you. Before you stress out because it’s Monday, and for most people the day you go back to work after the weekend, please take the following into consideration: Reality is what YOU believe it is. If you think today is going to suck, you’re probably right. Recognize this and choose something positive. Other people are outside of your control. There

Don’t Try so Hard

Don’t try so hard – when you just do the results can be amazing. For a lot of people I know, myself included, sometimes you give 100% or more to thoughts and feelings you have. These are ideas and notions you work to expand or build. There may be times when you don’t see results. So you make a few changes, shift your approach, and try again. Then, if things are still not going as you would hope, you continue

Always Positive is Impossible

Always positive is impossible – but how long you remain in a state that is not positive is a choice you get to make. Many people dislike any push for positivity. Why? Because they feel it’s artificial. You are ignoring major issues both with yourself and the world at large. Positivity all the time, they will argue, is impossible. On the one hand, they are correct. Always positive is impossible. As a human being, you will have experiences that are

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