The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can You Swallow A Bitter Pill or Two?

Accepting certain difficult and unpleasant truths of current reality will open you to finding and/or creating positivity to help move past all of this. There is a bitter pill or two to swallow here. I don’t know about you – but I don’t want to watch the world burn. Some terrible things are happening right now. The big picture issues include the politicizing of COVID-19 and the top of our government being utterly unwilling to take a stand to fix

How Do You Like to Be Treated?

Do you treat people in the same manner you desire to be treated? This is an important question, because recently it feels like people are not answering it by their actions. Do you want to be potentially murdered simply due to the color of your skin? Do you want to make a loved-one fatally sick because you were exposed to a virus? Are you fond of people yelling at you, insulting you, or calling you names? Does it make you

Choose Your Battles Wisely

That means you can’t choose not to battle all the time, either. It was pointed out to me recently that it’s a very male thing to make everything about combat. I suspect that’s true. Let’s face it, wars have always been started by men. I cannot, for the life of me, think of any war that was started by a woman (maybe Cleopatra? Admittedly, I have not researched this claim). I am well aware that women have participated in combat

Achieving Balance with Positivity

Now, more than ever, we need to find and/or create positivity just to recover balance. Spend any amount of time online at all and you will be practically drowned in negativity. Between COVID-19, social unrest, horrific politics, greed, corruption, world affairs, and all the rest of the happenings of 2020 – it is simply too much. So much uncertainty, so many things making little to no sense. Fear and anger at levels I’ve certainly never experienced before. The scales of

Your Feelings are Valid

Nobody should be dismissive any anyone’s feelings – positive or negative. As a human being, you have feelings. Feelings can be an incredible source of strength. The ability to feel in the way humans feel is a huge part of what separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom. Who you are, at your core, is an amalgam of intangibles both near the surface and deeply embedded in your psyche. Mindfulness – thoughts, feelings, and actions – are the

Real Change Can be Painful

We are on the cusp of some pretty major change in the world – and it hurts. The world pre-pandemic was flawed. COVID-19 has exposed just how far the inequality created by the wealthy and privileged has overtaken most of our society. Then, just to emphasize that, another black man has been killed by unnecessary police brutality. Now, it’s clear that the protests have been usurped by white supremacists and anarchists to sew chaos and precipitate some sort of domestic

Why do we need positivity now more than ever?

Because fighting fire with fire (or negativity with negativity) never works. Positivity matters in conscious reality creation. Perfect vision is indicated by 20/20. It is not without irony that the year 2020 is proving to be among the cloudiest and least clear years on record. COVID-19 has created the greatest amount of uncertainty and related negativity most of us have ever experienced. Never before has the future been so utterly lacking in clarity. When will we be able to cease

Living is an Intentional Action

Living and just existing are two different notions. I read a quote that inspired me the other day. It is attributed to Oscar Wilde. “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all.” Everyone exists, but not everyone chooses to truly live. What’s the difference? I believe it is intention. Intentional action, to be specific. Every single day you exist. You breathe, do things, go about your day, and exist. A lot of this is

What am I Not Doing?

I know what I need to do – am I doing it? If not – why not? To be where I desire to be, I know all the things I should be doing. After reading and listening to countless self-help, self-improvement, money-management, mindfulness, psychological, inspirational, and similar books and articles – the answers are here before me. The key is doing. Thoughts and feelings each make up a third of mindfulness and conscious reality creation. The final third is action.

Kindness is a Superpower

How to make use of kindness and save the world. People are scared. Confused. Distressed. Bored. Uncertain. We are living in a period of confusion where we are watching opportunists do awful things in the name of lining their pockets and disempowering certain groups and individuals – while at the same time seeing heroes risk their lives to help others alongside many practicing incredible care and mindfulness. The news media loves sensationalism. So they are going to share the images

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