The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Stronger as We

The positivity of being WE and disregarding “us” or “them” is tremendous. We are all one. When you get past these physical bodies we identify ourselves as, the communities and affiliations you and I place ourselves within, and any other identifications you can imagine – we are the same. At our core, we are Universal source energy. It doesn’t matter if you are male, female, fat, thin, Christian, atheist, American, Korean, or whatever other labels you can think of. At

This Isn’t Self-Help Psychological Mumbo-Jumbo

Self-help involves any and all acknowledgment of mental health matters. Mental health is important. And the stigma that still exists regarding aspects of it helps nobody. A lot of different elements go into working on mental health. Many of these elements work best when combined. Therapy, psychopharmacology, and self-help notions can be used separately. But often a combination of these proves to be most effective. In my experience, the best way to not just find but stay balanced and centered

It’s All About Connections

What if the questions of life, the Universe, and everything are all about connections? There is nobody in your head but you. You are the only consciousness inhabiting your mind, body, and soul. The notions, ideas, beliefs, values, habits, and everything that makes you, you, are singular. There is no us inside of you, no them, just you. But you’re not alone on this planet. No, there are nearly 8 billion other people here. And that’s just humanity – the

Do You Know Your Triggers?

Knowing your triggers can be hugely positive. I have made it no secret that I’ve been battling with depression for most of my life. I’ve worked hard over the years on my own, with therapists, and take an antidepressant to maintain my overall sense of balance. For the most part, I maintain an even keel. And I practice at that regularly. I meditate daily, express gratitude for numerous things every day, and focus on mindfulness practices. All these keep me

Release the Pressure

Much of the pressure you’re under is of your own making. This makes it hard to release the pressure. In a lot of us, there is an instilled need to be constantly doing. Striving. Working to gain, advance, achieve, or what-have-you. The need tends to create pressure – which then leads to stress. While stress in small amounts can be an impetus for creation and a lot of amazingness – too much stress leads to depression, anxiety, and mental/emotional issues.

Bite-Sized Positivity

Every piece of bite-sized positivity is a building block for good. We all know someone that’s constantly smiling. They seem eternally unperturbed. Sunny disposition, happy-go-lucky, perky, a ray of sunshine, and so on. These people are few and far between. And some people find them extremely annoying for various reasons – often lacking reason. They radiate positivity like the sun radiates light. On the other hand, we all know someone that’s constantly struggling. They are the eternal victim, often frustrated

The Wheel is Yours

There’s tremendous positivity in taking control by taking the wheel. I used to be something of a control freak. Truth be told, I haven’t entirely let that go. For example – when we take a trip, I like to be the driver. There are several of my friends – and my wife – whom I have no problem taking the passenger seat to. But given the chance – I prefer to drive. Most people, I believe, desire at least a

You Control Your Mind

How you perceive everything – positive or negative – is yours to control. I don’t know that I can fully put into words the tremendous positivity that comes from you being in control of your mind. But I’m going to try. First – please accept this statement: Human beings are animals. Our brains, however, have evolved beyond the simplicities of survival and propagation of the species. We can dream of new wonders beyond the comprehension not only of the rest

Better is Always Possible

One aspect of positivity is that better is always possible. When things are bad, they can – and generally do – get better. Maybe not immediately. Certainly not as quickly as you might prefer. But they can, and will, and do. Because consciousness creates reality – this is something to be mindful of. When your thoughts and feelings are mostly subconscious, seeing better in a negative or even neutral situation can be challenging. But when you practice mindfulness and are

Small Positives Add Up

All the little, small positives you encounter are huge. Positivity comes in all shapes and sizes. Often, we look at these “big picture” notions and ideas of the world. Lots of people spend a tremendous amount of time focused on these things. Hyperfocused. And that makes it easy to get drawn into them. It’s great to be in the know. I totally advise it. But there is a difference between informed and inundated. Yes, you should know all about the

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