The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Do You Accept What is or Choose What Could Possibly Be?

What could possibly be is less improbable than you might imagine. I frequently use the phrase “it is what it is”. What I often fail to realize is that while the intent of saying “it is what it is” is to avoid argument and debate – it can also empower unwanted things. That additionally denies potential and possibility to accept what is. Admittedly, my regular use of this is to end debates with my mom. Sure, it often cuts short

The Positivity or Negativity of Your Actions Are Your Truth

What your actions reflect – positivity or negativity – is the truth of your life. Nobody but you is inside your head, heart, or soul. Thus, nobody but you ever knows what you are thinking, what and how you’re feeling, or the intentions behind actions you take. Your actions, however, are how others can see what, where, how, why, and all else in concert with who you are. Your actions are how the outside world sees your inside self. This

The Only Mind You Can Positively Change is Your Mind

Why not focus on positively changing your mind for the better? Spending any time at all browsing social media can be infuriating. Any encounter with news sources – legitimate or not – can be disheartening and depressing. Between the ongoing fight with the COVID-19 pandemic, seriously disruptive and destructive politics, entitled people being awful, and various other world events – it’s easy to lose sight of our own lives. No matter what side you fall on in any given discussion

You can Always Choose Something – Right, Wrong, Big, Small, or Whatever

There is massive positivity in knowing you can always choose something, no matter the situation. I’ve had many experiences in my life where it felt like I had few to no choices available. Or worse, there were choices – and they were all bad. Or at least felt bad and less than optimum at the time. But so long as you are alive, you can always choose something. It’s easy, however, to lose sight of this. Many of the leaders

How Can Today Be Made into a Notable Special Occasion?

You can choose to treat today as the special occasion you desire for it to be. Our culture has a major love affair with celebrating special occasions. These include birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, graduations, and many massive achievements like promotions, marriages, births, and so on. The focus, however, often gets rather narrow when it comes to defining a special occasion versus the everyday. People put so much energy, time, attention, and investment into a given special occasion that they ignore all

Today What Interesting Things Are We Going to do, Brain?

Today we do the same thing we do every day – make choices for our life experiences. Welcome to Monday. For many people, Monday is the true start of their week – back to work, back to school, back to rote, and routine. Lots of people come down from the weekend – and time off away from the 5-day repetitive cycle – and start the new week with trepidation, discord, and not the most positive or helpful approach. Because of

See Incredible Potential and Possibilities for Life as Much as I Do?

Incredible potential and possibilities are not pie-in-the-sky idealism, but part of an abundance mindset. I know that life has been extra hard for people since the pandemic hit us. The world has been forever changed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the best efforts of its deniers to pretend that nothing has happened – that’s just not true. Much of what came out of this experience has been unpleasant and ugly. Some of the very worst has been brought out in

Is Positivity More Than a Feeling – But Rather, an Attitude?

Positivity is more broadly defined than just a feeling – it is a whole attitude and approach. How we experience life is a matter of attitude and approach. This is a choice every single one of us gets to make every day. Hence why it can be utterly subjective and highly variable. Trouble is, people often don’t see that their overall approach isn’t neutral – but tends to be positive OR negative. And often – because of how we’re inundated

How Does Toxic Positivity Actually Differ from True Positivity?

Toxic positivity is disempowering and does more harm than good. I am a big proponent of positivity. We live in a fear-based society, constantly bombarded by negative messages. Because they are so predominant, more positivity is the best offense to combat them. But all too often, positivity gets carried too far and turns toxic. And toxic positivity disempowers and makes the negativity worse. How? By mistreating negativity. Like it or not – negativity IS. Bad things happen. Shit goes down.

Do You Grasp Your Life to be Lacking or Abundant?

Lacking or abundant – you get to choose how to experience your life. This seems like a lie, right? That lack or abundance is a choice? The short answer is that it is. The long answer, however, is much more complex. First, I want to share my favorite Einstein quote, because it’s an important part of this. “Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.” That, to me, means that reality is what you and I believe that

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