The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

What Do You Do When You Feel Like You Can’t Win?

When you feel like you can’t win you always have options. The past couple of weeks have not been good. I got COVID. Even though I took lots of precautions and was as vaccinated and boosted as possible – I still got sick. However – it was no worse than a cold, and there seem to be no lingering effects. Vaccines work – thank you, science. Right on top of that, my mother-in-law had to be hospitalized. Without oversharing, she’s

When Life Sucks, What Do You Do?

Even when life sucks, YOU choose what you do with it. Christmas 2022 has come and gone. And this was a truly, spectacularly lousy holiday for me. It sucked. Lots. First, yes, I acknowledge that I’m whining. But I have a point to make and you need the context. It began Wednesday night when, for the first time in years, I felt a cold or something coming on. The next morning, I felt majorly off and unwell, took a COVID

What’s So Great About Accepting So Little Control?

It’s empowering when you accept what control you DO have. The only thing over which you and I have control is ourselves. Even then, there are limits to what you can and do control. All of them are internal. Sure, there are externals that you can direct – but control is not the case. You can change your body shape, eye color, hair length and color, what you wear, and maybe a couple of other elements of yourself. That’s pretty

Will the Truth Truly Set You Free?

I believe that the truth sets you free. But what IS the truth? Long ago, I came to this notion: There are three brands of truth. Mine, yours, and the absolute. The truth, as I perceive it, is colored by my life experiences, education, environment, associations, and the imperfection of memory. Just because I remember something having been a certain way doesn’t make it so. But the truth, as I believe it to be – no matter the topic –

How Much True Positivity is Too Much Positivity?

Unless it’s toxic positivity, there’s never too much to be had. Positivity has gotten a bad name of late. This is largely due to the many and loud proponents of toxic positivity. If you aren’t familiar with the term – toxic positivity is positive to the point of ignoring, disregarding, and pretending that all negatives don’t exist. Deny the bad, don’t even look at it. Keep a positive mindset and a positive attitude and all will be well. If you

Are Your Feelings – Positive or Negative – Always Valid?

Yes, your feelings are always valid. But understanding them is another matter. You’ve probably been in a situation where you had an emotional response someone deemed inappropriate or disproportional. You were overreacting, taking it too hard, overthinking it, or what-have-you. It did not help your situation, did it? Chances are it increased it, or made you more stubborn and deepened the feeling. What’s more, they might have been correct. You were overreacting, taking it too hard, overthinking it, or whatever.

What Are You Grateful For and Why Does Gratitude Matter?

Gratitude is the key to everything good and great. I’ll bet that you can easily point to things that you’re lacking. You might have insufficient money, debt, relationship problems, aren’t thin enough, can’t satisfy familial expectations, and so on. Your home isn’t big enough, your car isn’t new enough, tech is outdated, and so forth. There is nobody to blame for this, per se. But it should come as no surprise given that we live in a fear-based society. Often,

Why Is It Important and Positive to Be Yourself?

Because yourself is the only person you can be. What that looks like, however, is up to you. I had to put a great deal of work into becoming who I am. That’s not to say in any way, shape, or form that I’m fully-formed or perfect. Nope, I’m still a work in progress. But the choice to be myself – and to work on what that means – was mine. It’s really important to be yourself. Why? Because who

Can You Practice Self-Care While Still Caring About Others?

Yes, you absolutely can practice self-care while still caring about others. I’d like to debunk a few myths here. First – self-care is NOT selfish. Period, end of story. Yes, elements of self-care might appear selfish from without. Saying “no” for your mental health, refusing to participate in the drama of others, and no longer doing things that hurt you mentally and emotionally will appear selfish to others. Note – true selfishness involves intent. Malice of forethought. An action taken

Life Is Always In Motion Whether We Choose It or It Chooses Us

We’re empowered to choose what our lives look like. It’s all too easy to feel despair. Hell, lots of messages are being constantly screamed at us on TV, radio, social media, newspapers, and all other public fora intend to cause despair. Generally ludicrous, extreme, “or else” messages. Vote for that guy or else you will despair. Buy this product or else you will despair. Drive this car or else you will despair. Use this service or else you will despair.

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