The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 3

There are good days, and bad days. Some days I feel excited.  I am exhilarated by the possibility the new day represents.  I am looking forward to what lies ahead.  I am ready for anything. And then, some days, I am exhausted.  My energy is sapped, my mind wanders easily.  I don’t want to do much beyond bum around, maybe sleep.  I can barely concentrate, I don’t want to think or do anything. Those days it is hard to stay

Pathwalking 2

Who am I? I have been asking myself this question since I was fairly young. And the answer has constantly changed. In elementary school, I was the teacher’s pet. I was more-or-less a straight ‘A’ student (except my elementary school didn’t use this grading scale) and did extra projects, worked for extra credit and LOVED school. I was an outsider, though. This was never more evident than amongst the other kids at Hebrew school, and in the local Jewish community

Pathwalking 1

How can I make a difference? This question comes up for me fairly often. I want to help other people see the world in the way that I see it. NOT in a ‘my way is the one true way’ idea at all. On the contrary – I want people to disagree with me. I want them to consider these words, and reject them if they disagree. I want them to think, to consider, to ponder their own view on

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