The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 13

Distractions are everywhere. All sorts of things can distract you from your path.  Some of these are good things – family, friends, fun activities…and some are less so – work, bills, anger, frustration. Accepting and balancing the distractions while remaining on the path can be really hard to do. I often suffer from something I refer to as ADOS – Attention Deficit “Ooooooooooooooooooooh, SHINY!” disorder (NOT my phrase, by the way – I have borrowed it from a friend or

Pathwalking 12

I have long said that there are three ways to exist in this life. The first is to let life live YOU.  You go about your day-to-day business, let the pattern carry you along, let life happen to you.  No real control, you just go with what happens.  This is REALLY easy – but not tremendously rewarding. The second is to curl up in a ball, and wait to die.  This is not just a literal thing – I believe

Pathwalking 11

When we are feeling defeated, and we can no longer conceive of the path, or find it at all – how do we let it go? As I mentioned in last week’s post, the first step is to acknowledge and accept this limitation.  We are imperfect beings, and as such we are going to falter, we will lose the path completely.  This is not a weakness – it is a part of our nature.  So we have to accept the

Pathwalking 10

Sometimes the path is nowhere to be seen. Sure, I might know the goal, I might have an idea of how I wish to walk the path…but that does not mean that the path will be clear, or even necessarily visible. Pathwalking is a tricky process, as you may have noticed.  And one of the things that makes it tricky, beyond just identifying the desire to choose and walk your own path, is even locating a path in the first

Pathwalking 9

One of the main keys to this entire process is feeling. It is necessary to start by thinking about how I want to walk my path.  Thought is the beginning.  But the real key to this is FEELING. If all I do is think about it – I cannot generate enough power to manifest it.  To consciously create my reality, I cannot simply give it thought – it requires feeling.  It demands feeling.  If I cannot feel it, I cannot

Pathwalking 8

Why do I believe that choosing my own path is possible?  How can I think that conscious pathwalking can be realistic?  Why do I so vehemently believe this?  Because I have seen it in action.  Because I have experienced it first hand.  Because I have done it. As I stated in the last entry to this blog – Pathwalking is about finding the path, really experiencing the here and now of it, and understanding that we have the ability to

Pathwalking 7

What IS pathwalking, specifically, anyhow? It occurs to me that I haven’t yet explained what this is, and why I think it is so very important. The Australian Aborigines use the term ‘Walkabout’ to denote an adolescent journey through the wilderness as a rite of passage.  It has been borrowed in more common culture over the years to refer to a spiritual journey, often taking the form of some kind of physical adventure. Pathwalking, as I call it, is taking

Pathwalking 6

Not only is the path not straight – neither does it run smoothly and evenly. There are hills, dips, twists, turns, ruts and potholes.  There are points from which you can see the goal, only to be turned almost completely around.  And sometimes the path seems to leap across incredible distances, defying all logic. This is part of the overall frustration in trying to choose one’s own path.  I know what I want, I know how I want my life

Pathwalking 5

I am not my job.  My job does not define me. How many of us, along the path, fall into this trap?  I mean, our job is the place where we spend 7 – 12 of our waking hours A DAY.  It is very easy to let our job define us – and, as such, to define our path. Now for a lucky few, their job DOES define them – because is it a chosen part of their path. But

Pathwalking 4

Sometimes, you reach a crossroads. The path winds and wends, you see all sorts of oddities and sights and such, and then, all of a sudden, there is not a single path anymore.  There are a whole bunch of paths. Crossroads.  Ah yes, time for some more confusion. As we walk our path, we will inevitably come across this.  Not only is the path of life not straight, but it is also not singular. Choices effect which path we place