The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 25

Thought + Feeling + Action = Pathwalking.  But another important element in this equation – quite possibly the glue that binds it, in fact – is discipline. Last post, I explained my issues with feeling.  Thought I have little problem with, but feeling is a whole other issue.  It is time to discipline myself to work on feeling out my thoughts. Discipline, unfortunately, has never been my strong suit. Without discipline, accomplishing the act of walking one’s path, let alone

Pathwalking 24

I am a thinker, not a feeler.  I am all about thought, rather than emotion.  And while, at times, this is advantageous – at times it really is not. It’s all well and good, in the process of this whole Pathwalking notion, to think about what I intend.  But to really do it, to make it actually happen requires more than thought.  It requires intent.  It requires feeling. And that, for me, is the challenge.  Feeling. I know a number

Pathwalking 23

The concept of Pathwalking has a lot of different definitions.  What is means for me is not what it will mean for you, or him, or her, or anyone else. The idea is that you choose a path that you want to choose.  But an important aspect of this is that you can only choose for yourself.  You cannot choose a path for anyone else. For some people, the path that brings them ultimate contentedness and happiness is utterly simple. 

Pathwalking 22

What if, in the course of walking your path, when you do find yourself, you don’t like who you find? Truth be told, that is an integral part of the entire Pathwalking concept. I don’t care who you are, or what you’ve done throughout your life…there are still moments you wish you could take back, people you wish you could speak better to, choices made that you might have preferred not to make.  This is a part of the human

Pathwalking 21

Pathwalking is about choosing our own fate, our own destiny, and walking a path to reach a goal we desire. I would argue that while the goal of pathwalking is important, it is the journey that is of greater importance. One of the main reasons why the journey is more important than the goal is simply because the goal itself is seldom static.  It might grow, it might change, it might shift entirely.  As you walk the path you may

Pathwalking 20

Sometimes this walking-your-own-path stuff can be tiring.  You get footsore, like with any long walk or hike; and that’s a perfectly normal thing.  When it comes to pathwalking, it may be yet another opportunity. One aspect of Pathwalking is the goal at the end.  But equally, if not more important, is what you encounter on the journey itself.  When the journey makes you footsore, that doesn’t mean in any way you abandon the path.  You just pause. When I go

Pathwalking 19

Pathwalking is not easy.  In especial when the path you choose is not “the norm”.  There will be resistance from multiple sources. I have long believed that we are not simply here to follow rote routines.  Life is so very much more than get out of bed, go to work, come home, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed, repeat.  Yes, we all need to be able to make money to pay for the essentials, let alone the toys we

Pathwalking 18

When fear interferes with your attempt at Pathwalking, how do you overcome it? This is a really difficult question.  Fear, an intangible, never quite feels the same.  Different fears produce different reactions.  But I believe it can still be overcome by any number of processes. The first step is to analyze it.  What am I fearing?  Why am I fearing it?  Is my fear warranted, or nothing but a visceral reaction?  What should I do about the fear?  Can this

Pathwalking 17

Probably the single greatest obstacle to Pathwalking is fear. FDR famously said “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”  Yoda stated that, “Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering.”  And in Dune, Frank Herbert gave us the Litany against Fear: “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through

Pathwalking 16

Do I deserve to be happy? Have I earned the right to walk my own path?  Am I good enough, smart enough, wise enough, deserving enough to be one of those people who can choose and walk their own path? Yes.  Yes I am.  And Yes, you are, too. One of the biggest problems with seeking, finding, and walking your own path is exactly this.  Am I deserving of having this choice? There are a lot of factors, a lot