The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 47

Thank you. After “I am” these are probably the two most powerful words we can employ in our lives. And yet, we have a terrible habit of either under-using these words, or else using them without the corresponding feeling of gratitude. To say it is important.  But to feel it is even more important.  Gratitude is too powerful and too important to not be given the attention it deserves. I have talked about gratitude before, here.  And it never ceases

Pathwalking 46

While Pathwalking is a philosophy, Pathwalking is also the ultimate form of self help.  Why?  Because you and you alone are in control. I know many people who turn to various self-help gurus to find ways to do what I’ve been talking about here every week for the past eleven and a half months.  I myself have explored many of these, reading Steven Covey’s Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Bob Proctor’s You Were Born Rich, Spencer Johnson’s Who Moved

Pathwalking 45

What if I choose the wrong path?  How will I know if this is the right choice or the wrong choice?  What if I should have zigged instead of zagged? This is an issue that I have seen people constantly grappling with.  The idea of “what if”? “What if” is the questioning of choice.  What would have happened if I had turned left instead of right?  What if that day I had driven instead of walked?  What if while I

Pathwalking 44

The everyday things we readily take for granted can deeply impact Pathwalking.  Beyond diversions, beyond distractions, the unexpected and unplanned can cause Pathwalking to seem unimportant.  And yet…it still is. This is the first week, for example, that I am not posting this on Wednesday.  After forty-three weeks of timely posts, this one has been delayed.  I am displeased about this fact – but there was no alterative.  The unexpected interfered. I live on the East Coast of the United

Pathwalking 43

“The journey of a thousand miles begins beneath one’s feet.”  – Lao Tzu (Alternate translation of the original Chinese found here.) Pathwalking is not a single journey, and the distance cannot be easily measured.  But it begins with movement.  Until you move from one place to the next, you cannot begin the journey at all. The more recognized variation of the quote replaces “beneath one’s feet” with “a single step.”  But I prefer the deeper meaning of this alternate translation.

Pathwalking 42

What is passion? Passion is a key aspect of Pathwalking. defines passion as: noun 1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate. 2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor. 3. strong sexual desire; lust. 4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire. 5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire. 6. a strong or extravagant fondness, enthusiasm, or desire for anything: a passion for music. 7. the object of

Pathwalking 41

How many paths can you find to walk for your life? Pathwalking, as mentioned previously, should not be a one-time action.  Pathwalking is a lifestyle choice.  The completion of one path should lead to the choice of the next path.  And then the next.  And then the next. One notion of Pathwalking is to reach a goal.  There is a tangible something we seek along this path.  But once we have made that achievement, once we have found that something,

Pathwalking 40

What happens when you finally reach your goal? What do you do when you have walked your path, and discover that, in fact, the got to where you were aiming to go? I will be happy to tell you when I manage to get there.  It has not happened for me yet. However, I can speculate, based on numerous truths that one must take into account with regards to life in general, and based on what I am learning as

Pathwalking 39

Perhaps circumstances have put you in a bad place.  The question is – what do you do about it? This is a key aspect of Pathwalking.  Rather than being a victim of circumstance, the goal is to make your situations as you wish them to be.  But a huge challenge to this goal is often the circumstances therein. You certainly did not ask to lose the job, be incapable of paying the debt, be trapped in that relationship, be living

Pathwalking 38

Are you grateful for the opportunity to walk your own path? This question is of far greater importance than you might think.  Without gratitude, it is impossible to gain anything.  Walking your path will inevitably fail. Yes, that is a very broad statement.  But it is completely true.  Every self-help teacher and new age guru, almost every spiritual leader past and present will tell you that gratitude is absolutely necessary to achieve anything.  If you are not grateful for what

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