The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 147

How can you tell if you are straying from your path…or if your path is straying from you? This is a new idea I am exploring. How can you tell when you are off your path, or if in fact it is your path that is off? While you may have chosen a given path, as I have mentioned time and again paths will shift. They will be filled with bumps and twists and turns. Seldom are they straight, and

Pathwalking 146

No is not necessarily a negative. Sometimes along your path, you will have reasons to say no. While we often associate no with negatives, that is not always the case. There will be times when you need to say no because saying yes will actually lead you down the wrong path. We live in a world full of extremes. Left and right, liberal and conservative, short and tall, attractive and ugly…take your pick. But in truth, most of us live

Pathwalking 145

Pathwalking is not just an intellectual concept, it is also a spiritual and an emotional endeavor. I have stated rather frequently that to walk any given path you have to not only think about it, but you have to feel it, and you have to desire it. What’s the difference between the intellectual, spiritual and emotional? The intellectual is the easiest to examine. This is your thought process, this is your continued education. Intellect is a matter of learning, it

Pathwalking 144

Even though Pathwalking is for yourself, sometimes you will encounter guides along your way. Yes, I recognize that this is an inherent paradox. I often have talked about how Pathwalking is a solo process. And yet now I am putting it out there that from time to time you will encounter guides. What about being wary of outside influences? Not every outside influence is a bad thing. The issue with outside influences comes when you allow them to dominate your

Pathwalking 143

Why are you on this path? The path you are on, right now, as you read this, why are you on it? Did you choose this path for yourself? Did someone else choose it for you? Did you stumble upon this path, or was there effort and conscious direction when you decided to travel upon it? I have probably asked all of these questions before. If they are being repeated, that is because they are so deeply important. If you

Pathwalking 142

During the course of Pathwalking, I have frequently spoken about creating your own life. In walking your own path, one of the ideas is to control your destiny, and manifest the life you most want. There are obstacles, distractions, problems, complications, bumps and twists and turns along any given path. The journey, I have often stressed, is of equal if not greater import than the goal. Living in the here and now is vitally important to the end goal of

Pathwalking 141

It never ceases to amaze me how readily I can lose my focus. For a while I can be a champion. I can successfully manifest what I want, no question, no difficulty, I can do it. I can see all the possibility, all the probability, all the reality of what I am capable of. I am amazed, excited, enthusiastic, and ready to tackle the world and everything that could possibly get in my way. And then it is gone. I

Pathwalking 140

Positivity is vitally important to Pathwalking. Last week I began to explore this, and discussed at length when you know you are feeling predominantly negative what you need to do. After you identify the what and how and why, and determine which aspects of these you have any control over, you proceed to find a way to change the emotion you are feeling. As I stated before, the means that works for dealing with this today may not work at

Pathwalking 139

It is vitally important that you work on a positive attitude when Pathwalking. I have mentioned rather frequently that positivity is terribly important. If you do not remain positive, you might find yourself easily trapped in any number of undesired matters. Yet there are going to be days where remaining positive feels impossible. No matter what you do to restore your mindset, you just feel…off. You feel blue. This is particularly rough if, like me, you might be known to

Pathwalking 138

There is some scary stuff happening in the world around us right now. In the United States we have this surreal situation in Missouri. I had really thought we left the hatred and fear and racism of the 1960’s back in the 20th century, but we seem to have all of that back again here and now. In the Ukraine we have separatists who are likely backed by the Russians stirring up nationalistic troubles. The Israelis and Palestinians of the

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