The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 184

How do you apply Pathwalking to your life every day? How do you consciously create your own reality and make your choices for the destiny you desire to create? There is, unsurprisingly, no one method for this process. Different things will work for different people. There are some generalities, though, that can be tweaked to work for just about anyone. Be aware of what follows the words I AM. You would be amazed just how easy it is to sabotage

Pathwalking 183

Do you play the blame game? The trouble with blame is that it assigns responsibility to an outside party for some bad thing, wrong doing or other matter. Often we blame because it is a far easier thing than accountability. Blame assigns fault away, and does nothing to correct matters. This is where blame is utterly pointless – it offers no solutions. Things happen to us and around us that are not our fault. We sometimes find ourselves in a

Pathwalking 182

Faith is not necessarily a dirty word. This is something I have to remind myself of for a number of reasons. Faith has nothing to do with religion. Just like morality, spirituality and religion are all separate tenets, faith can be interlinked with or independent of any of these three ideals. When I know that something is possible, or that something is coming to pass, even when I cannot see or comprehend the how of it, that is where my

Pathwalking 181

What do you want to be when you grow up? We all got asked this question along the way. The answer, unsurprisingly, changed as we got older. The thing of this is – why did that answer change? Sometimes it was based on who we are and what we learn. We often want to be very different things as children than we want to be as adults, or else I suspect we’d have far more lion tamers, acrobats and bulldozer

Pathwalking 180

An optimistic outlook is a good thing. Yet nowadays optimism is all-too-often viewed with cynicism and skepticism. We have come to see optimism as this pie-in-the-sky, rose-colored utopian concept, rather than as a tool of positive energies, positivity and manifestation. I have become amazed at how readily I will discuss the notion of positive energy and being in a positive rather than a negative vibe, yet never mention the notion of optimism. It’s almost as if I am afraid that

Pathwalking 179

What happens when you find yourself in transition? What is a transition? In the idea of Pathwalking that would be the space between paths. It is the place where you are moving from one path to another, but it feels as if no movement is happening. We all find ourselves in moments of transition. We are stuck between notions, trapped between ideas, and we find we are plagued by uncertainty. We find ourselves unsure of how to proceed, but we

Pathwalking 178

We are perfect. We are often told that perfection is the pinnacle of all struggle, that we need to give everything we’ve got to achieve it, and that it is frequently out of our reach. Pathwalking has opened my eyes to a lot of truths about humanity. One is that no matter how much we succeed or fail, we are already perfect. I am learning that perfection, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder. Like beauty, perfection exists

Pathwalking 177

Pathwalking can be fun. I am constantly writing about the complexities, the paradoxes, the difficulties and dualities of this process, but recognize that it might be time to point out that this can be fun. When you make your own choices in life you can choose things that make you feel good. You can make choices for things that you want to do and experience, and that can be a lot of fun. People spend too much time focusing on

Pathwalking 176

Today is only today. That means that this day stands entirely on its own. No other day will be like it, for good ill or indifferent. What does this mean? To me it is a reminder that every day is unique unto itself. It means that today’s successes and today’s failures are only here, now. They only stay with me if I choose to bring them along with me. Every day presents new challenges, new opportunities, new ideas, new possibilities,

Pathwalking 175

When one path ends, another path begins. Sometimes it’s hard to see what that next path is going to be, and sometimes that path is not revealed before you realize you are already upon it. I have written before that we are often on more than one path at a time. One major philosophy I believe is that life is not linear. We are very seldom on the move from point a to point b, we are traveling in ellipsis

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