The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Pathwalking 239

While you, and you alone, can choose and walk a given path, you don’t necessarily need to do so on your own. The key is to know the difference between allowing someone to offer guidance, advice and help versus control, obstruction and discouragement. Nobody knows everything.  Plain and simple, nobody knows everything. Because that’s the case, everyone needs to seek help, advice and assistance from time to time.  While we may each have our own expertise, there will always be

Pathwalking 238

My path is good for me, but probably not for you.  As we are not in competition, I would be happy to help you along your path in whatever way I can. Competition is a fine thing in certain respects.  My baseball team versus your team, track stars running for the best time, fencers fighting to best one another, and for that matter most competitive sports.  Competition in the everyday, for the most part, is unhealthy. This is not just

Pathwalking 238

My path is good for me, but probably not for you.  As we are not in competition, I would be happy to help you along your path in whatever way I can. Competition is a fine thing in certain respects.  My baseball team versus your team, track stars running for the best time, fencers fighting to best one another, and for that matter most competitive sports.  Competition in the everyday, for the most part, is unhealthy. This is not just

Pathwalking 237

Everyone is familiar with the phrases quitters never win and winners never quit.  However, I think everyone also knows this is not always the truth. There are numerous things that need to be quit.  Plenty of less-than-stellar habits like smoking, excess drinking, overeating, being overly judgmental and such.  There are other behaviors that one might consider quitting, like always talking over others, low self-opinion, inactivity and such. What is the relation of quitting to Pathwalking?  Accepting that, sometimes, you need

Pathwalking 237

Everyone is familiar with the phrases quitters never win and winners never quit.  However, I think everyone also knows this is not always the truth. There are numerous things that need to be quit.  Plenty of less-than-stellar habits like smoking, excess drinking, overeating, being overly judgmental and such.  There are other behaviors that one might consider quitting, like always talking over others, low self-opinion, inactivity and such. What is the relation of quitting to Pathwalking?  Accepting that, sometimes, you need

Pathwalking 236

Why do we seem so much better at expressing negativity than positivity? This question has been on my mind for a while now, and is part of why I began my other weekly posts about Positivity. Almost every Monday I’d open up Facebook or Twitter and the first thing I would see is complaints.  Weekend’s over, here we go again, another toilsome workweek, fun’s over, and so on.  Heaps of negativity, enough to undo any good the weekend might have

Pathwalking 235

This is not what I expected. How often in your life have you either thought or said these words?  For me, it has been far more frequently than I might have wanted. Pathwalking is about finding, choosing and then walking a path in life.  You dictate that path, you make the choices along it. Of course no path is perfectly straight.  They all come with twists and turns, obstacles to be overcome, avoided or directly dealt with.  The best way

Pathwalking 234

“What do you want to do?” A respected career coach asked me this question.  My answer, at the time was, “I’m not entirely sure.” That’s not the truth, though. Why didn’t I tell her what I want?  Why did I hold back?  How come I didn’t admit to what it is I want to do? The answer is indicative of what it is I need to be working on. However, I want to provide some context first. This was at

Pathwalking 233

Over the past couple of years I have started to find several four-leafed clovers every summer. Most of my life this was something I had never done.  Now, I find them a few times a year. One important point, however, to consider.  I find them because I take a moment to look for them. How many patches of clover do you encounter along your way?  Do you stop and examine them to see if there are any that are not

Pathwalking 232

I have recently realized that there is tremendous importance in addressing and altering old, outdated, underlying beliefs. Pathwalking addresses the idea of taking control of my own life and my own destiny, and choosing and walking my own unique path.  One of the key things I return to in this process is that consciousness creates reality.  It is possible to manifest an amazing life, if I take the time to think, feel, and take inspired action to make it happen.

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