The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Am I Feeling This Way?

An exercise in self-analysis. As I write this, I’m preparing for my annual vacation to southwestern Pennsylvania. I have attended an enormous medieval reenactment event every year since 1996 (save 2 years due to the COVID pandemic). This draws 10,000 people or more, and we spend up to 2 weeks hanging out with friends, enjoying classes on all sorts of medieval topics, eating, and partaking in various forms of combat. I have been doing medieval rapier combat (fencing) with the

Do You Control Your Anger or Does Your Anger Control You?

This is more of a choice than most people recognize. Emotions come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They can be so small that they seem nearly invisible or so large that they seem unstoppable and overwhelming. Despite the idea that Star Trek’s Vulcans are emotionless, the truth is that they train tenaciously to tightly control their emotions. One of the most dangerous traits of toxic positivity is the denial of negative emotions. Toxic positivity puts on

What Can You Do About That?

The answer depends on whether “that” is personal or broader. The evolution of humankind is amazing. Relatively speaking, we’ve gone from hunter/gatherers struggling to survive as individuals to farmers struggling to survive as a community to whatever we are now blazingly fast (only about 12,000 years). What we are now is an interesting mystery. Only in the past 100 years or so have human beings developed the ability to communicate instantly across the globe. We’ve gone from a knowledge base

Your Path Will Challenge You

Walking your own path in life is not selfish. You alone live inside your head, heart, and soul. Only you can think what you think, feel what and how you feel, and act or not on your intentions. You get to decide and choose if you take a positive or negative approach to life at any given time. Nothing that you do is written in stone. Everything about who, what, where, how, and why you are is changeable. Changing might

Focusing Within Is Not Selfish, It Is Necessary Self-Care

Focusing without will depress, upset, and disempower you. The world is crazy. Let’s just call it what it is. When the Supreme Court decided that Trump could claim some immunity and that judges could overrule regulatory agencies at will, I found myself deeply angry. And scared. How did we step so far backward? Why could these 9 people decide that a President might as well be a King; and agencies meant to protect the environment and common people could be

The Pie is Not Limited

This is an abundant universe with more than enough for everyone. Too many of the messages being beamed into your head will tell you that this, that, or the other thing is running out. There’s not enough, it’s lacking, insufficient, and/or “they” will take it from you and leave you with nothing. Media, advertising, politicians, and other so-called leaders and demagogues love these messages. They use them to play on your fears to move their agendas. If you don’t follow

Maybe You Should Stop Worrying About That

Not worrying isn’t the same as not caring. The world looks pretty crazy right now. Between the election in the US, the Israel/Palestine conflict, Putin and his ambition, climate concerns, economic wackiness, and other matters, there’s plenty to occupy your mind. It’s good to be aware of what’s happening in the world. That way you can make informed choices and decisions when it comes to certain matters. Specifically, though, this only applies to limited things you can do such as

You Choose Your Own Adventure Every Day

Even on the days it feels like a slog you make choices and decisions. Consciously or subconsciously, you’re always making choices and decisions. When you allow your subconscious mind to do most of the work via rote and routine, it will feel like you’re not choosing and deciding anything. That, however, is because of the passive nature of the subconscious mind. Everything in your subconscious is passive unless engaged consciously. Your conscious mind has two facets to it. One looks

A Much-Needed Lesson in Patience

One of the places I find I am most lacking is patience. I’ve struggled for years to build more patience into my life. I struggled because, to be blunt, I’m bad at it. Sometimes this has served me well. Rather than simply awaiting a timely healing, when I was severely injured, I pushed. That push was borne from my impatience but wasn’t a lack of patience. It manifested instead into an unwillingness to accept anything but my vision of my

Does Mindfulness Separate Opinion from Fact?

Being consciously aware makes you aware of many things. Living in a fear-based society is problematic on many levels. First, virtually everywhere you turn there’s something in place to make you fearful. The play on your emotions is often deeply subtle, sometimes even subversive, and always present. Advertising plays on fears of lack, scarcity, insufficiency, and missing out. Buy this item to be more lovable, sexier, and appear smarter and more refined – or suffer. Utilize that service to stay