The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Unconditional Love Comes with No Conditions

Love in all forms is bigger and more empowering than you think. The number of false narratives in the world on the subject of love are many. Much of this comes from the idea that love can cause pain and suffering. Not true. Love, in and of itself, can never cause pain or suffering. By itself, love is the ultimate creator, source of wellbeing, empowerment, and any and every good thing you can think of. All by itself, attached to

Just Be You

Believe it or not, you are utterly worth being. Allow me to state some uncomfortable facts. Many people dislike themselves. Some even go so far as to hate themselves. I know this struggle. I’ve disliked myself on and off for most of my adult life. A lot of this was due to outside messages and influences. I was shown all sorts of examples of how I was imperfect, not enough, insufficient, lacking, and doing it wrong. This could be applied

I’m Not Responsible for How You Feel

It’s nearly impossible not to come across as callous for this. I work hard not to be an asshole. This isn’t so much about me, as far as I’m concerned, as it is about being kind, compassionate, and empathetic. The world needs more kindness, compassion, and empathy; and giving them all comes with zero cost. This is what matters most. That said, sometimes my words and actions cause hurt. I never set off with the intent of doing this, but

Very Little In Life is Either/Or

You seldom experience or live the extremes. Everywhere you look the extremes are being emphasized. Rich and poor. Black and white. Brilliant and idiotic. Exciting and terrifying. Liberal and conservative. Good and evil. Extremes and opposites here, there, and everywhere. Worse than this, many push the viewpoint that you are either/or, for or against this, that, or the other thing. This extreme viewpoint is touted as the only viewpoint and opposite another. What’s more, the notion of either/or being your

Everything is Energy You Can Connect With

The limits on energy are only what you assign them. I frequently write about energy. I believe that everything, at its core, is energy. It’s the point of origin for all. You and I begin and end as energy, neither created nor destroyed, frequently transmuted. From the tiniest subatomic particle to the largest star in the galaxy, all are sourced from energy. Hence, all are source energy. What is source energy? It is pure energy in the ethers, surrounding us,

Why Am I Feeling This Way?

An exercise in self-analysis. As I write this, I’m preparing for my annual vacation to southwestern Pennsylvania. I have attended an enormous medieval reenactment event every year since 1996 (save 2 years due to the COVID pandemic). This draws 10,000 people or more, and we spend up to 2 weeks hanging out with friends, enjoying classes on all sorts of medieval topics, eating, and partaking in various forms of combat. I have been doing medieval rapier combat (fencing) with the

Do You Control Your Anger or Does Your Anger Control You?

This is more of a choice than most people recognize. Emotions come in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors. They can be so small that they seem nearly invisible or so large that they seem unstoppable and overwhelming. Despite the idea that Star Trek’s Vulcans are emotionless, the truth is that they train tenaciously to tightly control their emotions. One of the most dangerous traits of toxic positivity is the denial of negative emotions. Toxic positivity puts on

What Can You Do About That?

The answer depends on whether “that” is personal or broader. The evolution of humankind is amazing. Relatively speaking, we’ve gone from hunter/gatherers struggling to survive as individuals to farmers struggling to survive as a community to whatever we are now blazingly fast (only about 12,000 years). What we are now is an interesting mystery. Only in the past 100 years or so have human beings developed the ability to communicate instantly across the globe. We’ve gone from a knowledge base

Your Path Will Challenge You

Walking your own path in life is not selfish. You alone live inside your head, heart, and soul. Only you can think what you think, feel what and how you feel, and act or not on your intentions. You get to decide and choose if you take a positive or negative approach to life at any given time. Nothing that you do is written in stone. Everything about who, what, where, how, and why you are is changeable. Changing might

Focusing Within Is Not Selfish, It Is Necessary Self-Care

Focusing without will depress, upset, and disempower you. The world is crazy. Let’s just call it what it is. When the Supreme Court decided that Trump could claim some immunity and that judges could overrule regulatory agencies at will, I found myself deeply angry. And scared. How did we step so far backward? Why could these 9 people decide that a President might as well be a King; and agencies meant to protect the environment and common people could be