The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Not Now?

Now is as good a time as any to choose a path for your life. There is a great Chinese proverb that I strive regularly to take to heart. “The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.” I had many different choices for my life to be made 20 years ago. I was not so long out of college and was fresh from my studies of theatre, radio/audio production, and art

Be Your Own Knight in Shining Armor and Save Yourself

You have the power to save yourself from anything and everything. We live in interesting times. The world is currently in the midst of upheaval like nothing any of us have ever seen in our lifetime. It’s not a war, nor a great economic crash – it’s a virus. A microscopic invader that is hard to repel, impossible to see, and difficult to resist. Steps are being taken to keep people as safe as possible. They are, unfortunately, drastic –

How Bad is This Crisis?

That depends on whether you believe the crisis is all negative – or could have positivity to it. As I write this, more-or-less the whole of the United States is practicing social distancing. Non-essential businesses are shut down, sporting events and other public gatherings canceled or postponed, and people staying in and maintaining a general self-quarantine. I don’t think anyone has seen such a thing in their lifetime. It’s like life is utterly on hold, and nobody can say for

What Makes You Leave Your path?

What makes you leave your path? If you are working on living a life you most desire what makes you choose differently? In the Chinese language, the word “crisis” is composed of two characters, one of which represents danger while the other represents opportunity. If that is not a quintessential definition of life in this moment, I don’t know what is. Outside of ourselves, the world may be going mad. There is a LOT of crazy random stuff going on

There is Never a Reason to Panic

As The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy says – Don’t Panic! It feels like the world is going mad, doesn’t it? Let’s face it, there is some pretty scary stuff happening right now. Great Britain and Brexit and the impact of that, the elections in the United States, and of course, you can’t ignore the coronavirus threat (nor pray it away or pretend it’s not a thing.) People are panicking. Fear has been elevated to new and utterly distressing levels.

Choice is an Everyday Activity

Even making no choice at all is still a choice. Every single day that you are here on this planet you are making choices. The vast majority of the things you choose are relatively mindless and mundane. When to get out of bed, what to wear, what to eat, where to go and when, and so on. Simple, frequent, daily choices you make that can, ultimately, impact your day quite a lot. How? Because maybe what you ate made you

You Will Have New Ideas All the Time

You will have new ideas all the time. The question is – what will you do with them? In the eight years since I began to practice mindfulness and conscious reality creation, the practice has been altered. While the premise is largely the same as it’s always been – that you can choose for yourself the life you most desire to live – the how of it has been changed. This is because, in the 8 years that have passed,

You Are NOT an Imposition

You are NOT an imposition on anyone else. If you feel like you don’t matter or nobody wants you around – you’re wrong. Let me make this completely clear. Unless you intentionally wreck things, act like an ass, hurt people, or otherwise do unconscionable things – you are not an imposition. Further, you matter and people will want you in their lives. I know a lot of people who question this for various reasons. Some are in reaction to trauma.

Will You Live Today?

There is a difference between living today and existing – and it matters. When you look at the outside world – all the stuff going on beyond your direct control – things are nuts. The Presidential election in the US has begun its primaries, and that tends to bring out the worst in people. The UK has left the EU and the consequences of that action are yet to be seen. A nasty virus that could become the next pandemic

Will you be Proactive or Reactive?

Will you be Proactive or Reactive? The choice is yours to make. Life is constantly in motion. You may pause from time to time, and you need to rest and recharge daily. Yet, even so, life is in motion, whether you are moving or still. Every morning when you wake up, you start making choices. The vast majority of these are fairly benign and almost automatic. Get out of bed or hit snooze? Shower or go give the cat attention?

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