The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Self-Care, Choices, Decisions, and Selfishness

In the battle of acting with kindness and empathy versus hostility and ridicule – choosing a side matters. Every single day you face new choices and decisions. In these uncertain times, when tomorrow is more unknown than ever before, the line between self-care and selfishness is particularly blurry. We are in the middle of a pandemic. On top of that, we are seeing necessary social upheaval in the face of longtime systemic racism. Want more? There are truly bizarre politics

Please Be Accountable

Taking responsibility and being accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and actions matters in all you do. Modern society hates to be accountable. But damn, do they love to blame. President Babygate blames everyone for all of his shortcomings and inadequacies. Nothing is ever his responsibility, his doing, his fault – unless it makes him look good to his base. From the top down it’s all about the “other” and placing blame while never being accountable or responsible. It’s easy for

Should I still Walk my Path During this Chaos?

Since the present is the only time that is truly real, now is the time to walk my path. But not without certain considerations. It feels like the world is going mad. There is a pandemic that has not disappeared, despite other stuff happening. The protests against injustice and police brutality are a valid reaction to the number of black people being killed over nothing – especially when white people never face the same threats for equal or greater crimes.

Have you lost your way – or – has the way lost you?

How can you recognize the state of your way and what can you do about it? There is no avoiding present circumstances. The world is in the midst of turmoil and change like nobody has ever encountered before. Between COVID-19, ludicrous politics, greed on levels never before imagined, and countless other negatives I could point out here – everything is uncertain. Not just a few things. EVERYTHING. Currently, life IS uncertainty. With a few exceptions, people are finding themselves coping

You Can Learn a Lot by Watching and Listening

Sometimes it’s in your best interest not to speak, but just to observe. There is a particular topic I have been working with for many years now. I’ve had a great deal of time, practice, and experience, and I think I have developed some knowledge along the way. I know I am not the only one with knowledge and experience on this topic. However, because of the length of time I have been working with this, my age, and some

What is Attachment Versus Connection?

Understanding the pitfalls of attachment is a challenge – but will help you better relate to change. The first step is to understand what attachment is. According to, attachment is: noun an act of attaching or the state of being attached. a feeling that binds one to a person, thing, cause, ideal, or the like; devotion; regard: a fond attachment to his cousin; a profound attachment to the cause of peace. Psychology. an emotional bond between an infant or toddler and primary

Merging Two Paths

I am currently on two paths. They share several things in common – but are still not the same. I have a habit of being more than one thing at a time. Some of this has been a response to attempting to do two things at once. On some occasions, this has been about me working a “normal” job while pursuing a passion at the same time. Over the past year, now, I have been working on a singular vision.

Practicing Mindfulness – Thoughts, Feelings, and How They Impact your Paths in Life

Breaking down the roots of mindfulness for conscious reality creation for more clarity. What is mindfulness? It is the awareness of your thoughts and feelings. You gain recognition in the present of what you are thinking, as well as what and how you are feeling. (The intent of actions is a part of mindfulness as well, but I’ll get to that later). Mindfulness doesn’t just cover your thoughts and feelings alone. It also goes deeper. Mindfulness delves into your psyche,

You Can’t Change the World at Large

But you can change your corner of the world for the better. Spend any time online and you will probably become sad, angry, frustrated, or otherwise pulled in a negative direction. Between COVID-19, politics, fretting about the global economy, and all the rest of the current news, things are more uncertain than any previous experience in most of our lifetimes. This may be a bitter pill to swallow – but there is nothing you can do to change the big

Where Do We Go From Here?

That’s the question on everyone’s mind. Where are we going and how will we get there? What we are all experiencing as a result of COVID-19 is unprecedented. The shut-down, social distancing, isolation, and self-quarantine on a national scale are awkward. On a global scale, it’s downright frightening. The world has slowed way down. Most people understand the necessity of this and the stay-at-home orders from local leaders (as opposed to the always conflicting disinformation from the top – in

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