The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Why Do What You Do?

This is a valid question that can be applied to many things. So why do what you do? I don’t know about you, but the past nearly six months have been insane for me. I kept on working through the pandemic from home but lost fencing practice in the wisdom to close things down. Friends have been furloughed, lost jobs, or are facing sending kids back to school – or returning there themselves to teach – despite the ongoing battle

What Can You Offer to the World?

The world is full of potential and possibility. But what have you got to offer to it? For years, I asked myself – what is my purpose in life? I know I am not the only one who has asked this question. For a long, long time – the answer was unclear. However, I am pretty sure that this is because I was trying to figure out how to fit inside a box that I was not ever going to

How Do You Adapt to Change?

Change is the only constant in the Universe. How do you adapt when it happens? The only absolutely certain constant in the Universe is change. Change will happen – sometimes slowly, sometimes instantaneously. Like it or not, change happens. Much you can do nothing about. The planet is turning, winds come and go, volcanoes erupt, the earth quakes, and yadda-yadda. You can vote, attend protests, give money to worthy causes – and that’s the limit of what you can do

Everybody Will Stumble Along Their Path

It is unavoidable that you will stumble as you make your way. This may be due to both external AND internal influences. When it comes to choosing paths in life, I’ve made it fairly clear that they are seldom a straight line. Nope. Every path is going to have detours, obstacles, unexpected twists and turns. They can be quite an adventure. When I explained how it’s important to flow like water, I also added the notion that a given life

Flow Like Water

To flow like water keeps you better able to handle any changes along your life’s path. Frequently, your path in life is spoken of as a road. But much more realistically it’s a river. The flow of a river can be made of many twists and turns. Obstacles like rocks, garbage, and trees can get in the way of the flow. Dams and other stoppages can be created. What’s more, the path of a river can be changed and diverted.

Is No Path Still a Path?

Choosing no path to travel is still a path – but it tends to be unsatisfactory. I have been writing about the philosophy of Pathwalking for over eight-and-a-half years now. In short, Pathwalking is choosing what paths you desire to take in your life. This is a matter of conscious reality creation via mindfulness to find and/or create the things you desire for your life. This is not a quick fix nor instant gratification philosophy. It takes patience, time, and

Your Perspective Can Change Unexpectedly

That can alter how you perceive life, the Universe, and everything. I have never in my life lived in the same place for more than 10 years. The same general area? Sure, more-or-less. But the same home? Never. Thinking back, in fact, I am pretty sure 9 years is the longest I ever lived in a single house. My wife lived in the same house for some 30 years or so. She has vivid, fond memories of her family home.

Choosing to Decide Your Own Path Is Not Wrong

Even in the current world situation, you both can and should decide on your life choices. Every single day of your life you are faced with choices. The vast majority are pretty minor. When to get out of bed; what, where, and when to eat; what to wear; who to talk to; and so on. Small choices without which you would likely do nothing but turn into an unkempt lump barely recognizable as a human being. Frequently, when it comes

Self-Care, Choices, Decisions, and Selfishness

In the battle of acting with kindness and empathy versus hostility and ridicule – choosing a side matters. Every single day you face new choices and decisions. In these uncertain times, when tomorrow is more unknown than ever before, the line between self-care and selfishness is particularly blurry. We are in the middle of a pandemic. On top of that, we are seeing necessary social upheaval in the face of longtime systemic racism. Want more? There are truly bizarre politics

Please Be Accountable

Taking responsibility and being accountable for your thoughts, feelings, and actions matters in all you do. Modern society hates to be accountable. But damn, do they love to blame. President Babygate blames everyone for all of his shortcomings and inadequacies. Nothing is ever his responsibility, his doing, his fault – unless it makes him look good to his base. From the top down it’s all about the “other” and placing blame while never being accountable or responsible. It’s easy for

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