The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

That was Unexpected

But that’s how the path goes sometimes. Expect the unexpected. The biggest goal I have for my life is to do something that makes the world a better place. It is my greatest desire to have a positive impact on the world. I hope to help people lead better lives, do more amazing things, and generally experience all the potential and possibilities. There are two paths of a similar ilk that I am taking along that way. The first is

Never Make the Goal Too Rigid

It’s important to have a goal – but it needs to retain flexibility. You never know what you may get. When you set a goal for yourself you still need to leave the Universe some wiggle room. What does that mean? It means that having a goal is important. But at the same time, there needs to be room for it to expand beyond your intent. The Universe is a funny thing. It is made up of abundance and endless

What Will Your Today Look Like?

As you progress on a chosen path, today will be unique. You can decide what it looks like for you. Today is unique. It is the only day of its kind. When today is done it will be gone. Tomorrow is another day. Some people see this as an endless, pointless slog going on and on. Others see most days as bothersome necessities while looking forward to the weekend or some specific event. There will be good days and bad

How Do You Handle Limitations?

Some limitations are real – but many aren’t. Nearly all can be overcome – but not without effort. Most of the limitations we believe are self-imposed. When all is said and done, if you truly desire to have something you CAN find or create it. BUT – and this is important – you need to TRULY desire it. What does that mean? Everyone has skillsets. Some people are adept at all things physical. Other people are adept at all things

The Normal Has Not Always Been Normal

The normal of today is less than 75 years old. Why does this matter? Because too many people expect and react poorly to what is normal and not normal. Way, way too much unnecessary conflict is a product of this. The current average American lifespan is a shade more than 78 years. In everybody’s life, they will have unique experiences. What you will experience along the way is different from what I’ll experience. When it comes to the world stage,

Who Cares About What Path You’re On?

You care. Still, others who care can be a mirror reflecting something you need to see. I have no idea what path anyone else in this world is on. Sometimes it’s obvious. More often, it is not. Yet even when your path is apparent to me – I haven’t any idea what it is. That’s because I cannot get inside your head. Of course, conversely, you can’t get into mine, either. So, who cares? That doesn’t really matter – to

I’m More Lost than I Appear

Yes, there are plans afoot and paths I am on – but that doesn’t mean I am not lost, too. How are you feeling? I ask friends and loved ones this question frequently – but I do not ask this of myself nearly enough. Yet it is one of the quintessential questions of mindfulness. What I am thinking, what, and how I am feeling are the most tangible elements of mindfulness – next to the intent behind my actions. To

Want Guaranteed Failure? Don’t Even Try

For a lot of my life, I was so afraid of failing that I didn’t do anything. Hence, I had a guaranteed failure. I would reach a crossroads and just stand there, indecisive. There, right in front of me, were multiple choices. Yet I could not decide which – if any – to choose. I’d have an idea for something I desired to do – but indecision paralysis set in. Nothing was done, and I did not leave the crossroads.

New Path – or – An Old Path Anew?

Am I embarking on a new path or just living the definition of insanity? This quote is attributed to Albert Einstein: “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Whether or not Einstein did in fact say this, the point is valid. How else can you explain trying the same thing again and again – with little to no change – and expecting the result to change? This is not the notion of seeking

You Do You

I can’t tell you what to be, how to be, or what to do. So, you do you. Every day, I offer different ideas, insights, pieces of advice, and the like. I write extensive explanations of conscious reality creation, mindfulness, positivity, and other life lessons. Then I share them both because I have a desire to explore them further, and because I believe that you could benefit from that exploration. No matter what I share, the ideas I present, or

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