The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

You Choose How You Approach the Unknown

This is a necessary element of mindfulness. The year is coming to a close. A lot has happened in the world, and much of what’s occurred has created a surreal amount of the unknown. A great deal of the unknown we’re facing is scary. Certain people about to take power are expected to abuse it, and there is no telling how that will impact people like you and me. All I know is that the unknown is hugely, massively uncertain

If You Fall Today Get Back Up Again Tomorrow

You’ve done it before and will do it again. Nobody lives an absolutely, 100% perfect life. Nobody. Every person on the face of the Earth has crappy days, experiences stress, contends with shit on various levels, and feels bad.  Everybody who lives, has lived, or will ever live, will experience this truth. Sometimes this is not due to anything you did or didn’t do. Shit happens. You have zero control over anyone or anything else in the Universe. So that

There’s More You Can’t Plan For Than You Can Plan For

No plan survives contact with the enemy. My wife and I recently bought a house. There are a whole lot of different reasons why we chose this path after years of explaining why we were against it. We managed to find a house that was almost everything we wanted. We have a wrap-around porch, it’s a Colonial/Victorian house that’s had the bathrooms and kitchen updated, and a lot of other work done, too. It passed inspection, we closed, and then

New Space, Same Shit

A change of scenery is not a magic bullet. My wife and I have just moved into a new home. Despite incredibly uncertain times, political insanity across the country, an insane economy, and all else, we bought a house. For the first time in more than a decade, my office space is wholly my own (as in not limited by being a rented apartment space or a shared space in the home). As part of that, before moving in, I

Working With Your Limited Control

What you control in life might be limited but it’s still a lot. I don’t know about you, but it looks to me like the world has gone completely nuts. How else can you explain the results of the US election and the majority voting for the guy who plans to make their lives unnecessarily miserable? While this is difficult to not pay attention to, it does put a spotlight on a harsh truth. You have little to no control

Choices, Decisions, and Your Life Today

The present is where you have any and all control. The world has gone from a place of some uncertainty to an extreme amount of uncertainty. Even if you don’t live in the United States, the election of Trump to the Presidency is disquieting at best, and horrifying at worst. Trump and his enablers are a force of reactionaryism, chaos, and uncertainty. Many threats to the long-established government and social structure are cause for a lot of speculation. What will

What Does Today Mean For You and Your Life Path?

Momentous or just another day, there’s little difference. Today is the day after one of the most significant elections in the United States. This has been the cause of a lot of conflict, disagreement, strife, depression, anxiety, and uncertainty for many. One side represents progress. The other, quite possibly, is the end of US democracy. This is a big deal. It’s not something to be taken lightly. I voted and I hope that you did, too. As momentous as the outcome

Nobody Is Only One Thing

Everyone is many things. How do you identify yourself? This in and of itself is a multi-layered notion. For example, I identify myself by my name, age, ethnic heritage, height, weight, nation, gender, vocation, hair color, eye color, and that’s just a start. Dig deeper and you’ll find more identifiers you can use. You likely identify yourself in similar, multiple ways. There are many reasons for this. It can depend on who you are sharing your identity with, why you’re

Why Is It So Hard to Be in the Present?

Connections to people, places, things, and linear time can disempower you. This is true for everyone, everywhere: The only time that is actually, factually real, is the present. Right now. This moment, here and now. The past has come and gone. What happened before can, will, and does impact your life. However, that impact can vary pretty wildly, especially if you leave it unobserved. More on that ahead. The future is just that. The future. It hasn’t happened yet. What

Well-Meaning Doesn’t Equal Welcome

Thank you for caring but… Do you have well-meaning people in your life? Friends, family, coworkers, people who say things to you that they intend to be helpful but, frankly, aren’t? I do. While I know they are telling me what they do out of a genuine, good intent, they’re often missing the point and having the opposite effect. My life is mine to live. To many people, that’s the ultimate selfish statement. Yet it’s the unabashed truth. That’s because