The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Choose When You Get to Choose

You get to decide to choose – or not – when faced with a choice. For the longest time, I was really good at deciding not to decide. I would stand with a choice before me – and overthink the crap out of it. I’d explore every possible “what if?” scenario, fear getting my choice wrong and having to suffer due to that – until the choice was no longer mine to make. Opportunities passed me by. Things happened outside

Why Am I Afraid to Succeed?

How does the question “what if I succeed?” evoke subconscious fear? This question has been plaguing my path for a long time. Every time I work on a path I desire to follow – something happens that causes me to abandon it, stop giving it my full attention, and/or self-sabotage. This is, of course, not conducive to success. Why? Why do I always do this? How come I am constantly getting in my own way? What causes me to get

Am I Lying to Myself?

I don’t think so – but it’s possible I am lying to myself. The only person who can truly know me, in-depth, is me. This is because there is nobody but me here inside of my head, heart, and soul. No matter how much I connect with anyone else – in any way, shape, or form – I’m still the only one in here. The only person capable of getting at my motivations, recognizing my beliefs, values, and habits is

A Not-So-Bitter Pill to Swallow

Releasing a long-time fear isn’t the bitter pill I thought it might be. For most of my life, the opinions of others have been of the utmost importance to me. I’ve sought approval, recognition, and generally being liked. More and more, though, it’s become increasingly evident to me that this doesn’t matter. At least, not in the way I tend to emphasize it. What do I mean? The short answer is that the opinions of others are not what makes

Nobody Gets Me – And That’s Okay

Overcoming the desire for people to “get” me is ongoing. I’ve spent a lot of my life trying to make an impression on people. Some of those people are or have been close to me. Family, friends, coworkers, etc. Others have been far more removed. You might be among them. Like most teenagers, I worked hard to “fit in” to this group or that. Mind you, I was never a popular kid – I was (and still am) a geek.

When Will Then Be Now?

The question of “when will then be now” is not uncommon along a given path. The other night, we were watching Mel Brooks’ Spaceballs. There is a fantastic scene in the movie where Dark Helmet (Rick Moranis) and Col. Sanders (George Wyner) – while searching for the protagonists – turn to Spaceballs: The Video Tape to find them. During this scene, confused by seeing themselves “now” on the video screen, They have the following exchange. “Everything that happens now is

If Not Now, When?

If not now, when will you decide it’s time to experience life for all it has to offer? We all get one shot at this specific life experience. Whether active or passive, we experience life every single day. That’s comprised of, Everything that you think, do, intend, and feel. All that happens to you – inside or outside your control – is part of your life experience. The people, places, and things you interact with are elements of your life

I Don’t Know

It’s okay that I don’t know – because it means I’ve something new to learn. Recently, I had a discussion with a friend about learning new things. In this instance, we were talking about a personal lesson regarding a mutual acquaintance. Said acquaintance, whom I only trust as far as I can throw (which isn’t far) did something hugely upsetting to my friend. It was behavior I’ve seen from that person before – so it came as no surprise to

Don’t Trip Over How

Along any given path it’s easy to trip over how It’s been a decade since I began to seek, find, and walk my chosen path. This has occurred in fits and starts, with some success here and achievement there. But there is one hurdle, one obstacle that still tends to trip me up. How. Further, this gets complicated by walking the line of reality as it is now versus as it could be via conscious reality creation. I know where

What I Believe is True

Even though what I believe is true – I have the power to change it. I know more than one person struggling right now. Frankly, in multiple ways, I am struggling, too. The struggle is based on who I am now – versus – who I was and have been – versus – who I desire to be. When you have been applying certain beliefs, habits, and values for as long as you can remember – they seem unchangeable. They

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