The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is It Empowering to Acknowledge That I Know That I Don’t Know That?

Recognizing that I don’t know that opens me to options to learn, grow, and control change. There are some things I know a lot about. And there are even more things that I know a little about. This can be both incredibly useful – and slightly dangerous. Useful, because I perceive what I realize to the extent that I know it. Be it something I know a little or a lot about – what I already discern has limits. There

Something Bad Is Sometimes What It Takes to Improve Your Life

The Universe is a paradox. Hence, sometimes something bad can turn out to be good. My life was forever changed 22 years ago. On November 30th, 1999, I decided to walk the quarter-mile or so from my apartment to the post office. When crossing the busy highway between home and my destination, I was struck by a car (and it was a hit-and-run incident). Fortunately, I have zero memory of the accident itself. For the next week or so, there

How Does Gratitude Help Extinguish the Fires of the World?

It’s too easy to see the world as being on fire. But gratitude can extinguish the flames. The last two years have been insane. Not for me, per se – but on the scale of the Big Picture of the world. Between Trump, COVID-19, ugly social injustices, discrimination, surreal entitlement, blatant lies from many of our so-called leaders and “news” networks, and the seemingly never-ending stream of awfulness – it sure as hell looks like the world is on fire.

Can Making Choices and Doing What’s Best for You Harm Others?

Doing what’s best for you might harm others – but that’s likely beyond your control. When I was younger, I crowned myself the King of Indecision. I lived perpetually at a crossroads between two points. So that I wouldn’t make the wrong decision, I frequently made no decision. No decision, no harm, right? Wrong. By not making choices and deciding for myself how my life should be – I was the plaything of the Universe. Life lived me – save

Where’s the Mysterious Line Between Too Much and Not Enough?

How do you identify this mysterious line along any given path? I sometimes wonder if I am doing too much or not enough. This applies to many of the paths I’m walking in my life. For example – writing and editing. This year, I’ve written and published 6 novels. Was that too much – or not enough? How can I question this? Because I know an author who publishes about a book a month. Decent, good books. That’s more than

One Path in Life Always Leads to Another Unique Path

So long as you’re alive – at the end of this path you will have another. Conscious reality creation is an ongoing action. Along this line, choosing a path for your life experience is not a singular act. There are multiple paths for our lives – some of which intersect while others run parallel or even perpendicular. Career paths, relationship paths, creativity paths, recreational paths – all are options and choices before each of us. Some are made more consciously

Fear on My Path – Walk Right Into it or Run Away?

You choose if fear controls you or you control it. I am about to do something slightly terrifying. What is it? I’m going to take a step into the unknown. I’m doing something that is financially risky – but has the potential to be incredible. This is really scary. It’s bringing up a lot of my deep-seated fears, which can be dangerous when I allow them to control me. Like every other thought and feeling – fear is under my

Can We Make Choices to Work with and Through Negative Emotions?

Negative emotions are unavoidable. But we can choose to work with and through them. Negative emotions: everyone has them, feels them, and experiences them. How that manifests for me is not how it manifests for you. But in our own way, we each experience this. I started my day with enthusiasm and positive anticipation for what was coming. My morning reading ritual started got underway – but then, noting the time, I had to end it early to post my

Do You Get Back Up and Focus on New, Stronger Confidence When You Fall?

Everybody will fall from time to time. How you get back up, however, is a choice. Last week, I began a couple of new freelance gigs. This has been excellent. I am enjoying doing both. They are quite different from one another – and each completely in my wheelhouse. What’s more, they feel very much as if they are part of my path. However, in getting adjusted to a new timetable and the requirements of these new gigs – I

How Does Journal Therapy Work?

I forgot how powerful journal therapy can be. Let me start by stating that I am in no way a medical professional, therapist, or the like. All of what I know is based on many different life experiences over the years. From the mid-90s through about 2004 I journaled regularly. I have multiple formerly blank books filled with many thoughts, feelings, intentions, and ideas from that period. When I maintained those journals, I was writing as little as weekly and

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