The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Is This a Good Idea? It Might Be for Me, But Not for You

Not every good idea is good for everyone. I have lots of ideas. You likely have lots of ideas. Some are ginormous, veritably insurmountable, and lofty as all get-out. Others are more approachable, have paths you can take that people have taken before, and/or roadmaps can be found and employed Most ideas are just ideas. Neither good nor bad. They simply are. And you have them all the time. I’ve been known to spew ideas just because they are fun

Is My Path Just About Me and Me Alone?

My path is only mine – but it’s not just about myself. For over a decade I have been writing about my ongoing process of finding, creating, and choosing my own path in this life. This has had many ups and downs and challenges along the way. But since truly starting to walk one path of my choosing or another, I have been more content, more satisfied, and frankly happier with the life I have been living. While some might

Why Should You Write Down Your Ideas and Interesting Thoughts ASAP?

When you write down your ideas, they become harder to lose or misplace. This is not the article I was originally writing. Nope, that article was on a completely different topic. I was about halfway done writing it. Then, my computer crashed. The usual recovery file that tends to pop up when I restart MS Word didn’t. After spending probably more time than I should have searching for this – it all proved to be for naught. The worst part?

Are You Just Spinning Your Wheels or Are You Going Somewhere?

Feeling like you’re just spinning your wheels can be frustrating and infuriating. Ever have that feeling that you’re in motion, but not going anywhere? It’s akin to a car being stuck in the mud, on sand, or on ice. Your tires spin and spin and spin – but you don’t move. Sometimes, you do move – just really, really, slowly. Too slowly to feel like any movement is occurring. That’s a feeling I think many of us deal with from

How Important is it to Know What Is Your Why?

What is your why – in this context – is not about the overarching meaning of life. Every single human life matters. All lives are important. Each and every one of us is endowed with some scientifically amazing attributes. These allow us to experience our world like no other animal on Earth. When we are first born, our lives are lived wholly in the now. All we know is waking, sleeping, and being. During this period, we’re just like the

What Does Genuine, Real Productivity Look Like?

Productivity – like beauty and perfection – is in the eye of the beholder. There are many days when I don’t feel that I am sufficiently productive. I know there are several reasons for this. First – I do not work a standard Monday-Friday, 9-5 job. Truth is, I work anywhere between about 8am and 11pm. Also, I don’t necessarily only work Monday – Friday. There are times I put in some work on Saturday or Sunday, two. Second –

How Do I Get and Stay Out of My Way More Regularly?

I know that it starts with recognizing what it looks like to get in my way. Self-sabotage is just one piece of an intricate puzzle. I am that puzzle. And that is complex because who I am now is both made of and not made of who I was in the past. Then, to complicate that, who I could be can only come from now and not who I was in the past. Lessons learned in the past can be

Can I Please Stop Second-Guessing and Self-Sabotaging Myself?

I would very much like to be done second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Despite the effort I have been making for over a decade to live life on my own terms, choosing my own paths – there is an ongoing challenge I can never seem to shake. Every path I choose, every approach I take, even when I am being super-mindful – I am second-guessing and self-sabotaging. Having just finished reading Gary John Bishop’s Stop Doing that Sh*t: End Self-Sabotage and Demand

Have I Successfully Redirected the Redirect of my Redirection?

Confused? Redirection can be like that. But it’s still massively important to redirect. I write a lot about very specific topics. Mindfulness. Conscious reality creation. Self-awareness. Positivity. And general self-encouragement/self-help concepts, ideas, and notions. In a nutshell – I write about seeking, finding, and creating new ways to be the best that we can each individually be. I am not an expert, don’t hold any degrees related to these concepts. I’m a student of life and share my experience as

How Might My Life Look When I Reach That Goal?

The answer to this question is key to the conscious creation of the goal. This moment is the only true moment in time. The now, the present, the here-and-now – this is the only time that is really, truly, real. The past has come and gone. The future is never certain. In the words of Yoda, “Always in motion is the future.” Most of us suck at living in the present moment. There is no fault for this, nor blame

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