The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Accepting Ourselves Means We Must Accept Both The Good and The Bad

Nobody goes through life without both good and bad. Accepting that is empowering. I’ve done some stupid, foolish, even selfish things in my life. From many, I learned valuable lessons. From others, I learned what not to do in certain situations. Truth be told, from some of the stupid, foolish, selfish things I gleaned no lesson I can put a finger on. Guess what? I’ll make more stupid, foolish, and selfish choices in my life. No matter what and how

Do We Age Like a Fine Wine or Outdated Computer Hardware?

How we age – and perceive aging – is a choice we get to make. Birthdays can be a mixed bag for most people. I’m going to generalize here – but most people have 1 of 3 responses to their birthday: Joy Dread Utter nonchalance I’ve seen all of the above among my friends and family. Hell, I’ve shifted between these myself. My 30th birthday freaked me out. But my 40th simply occurred. My 50th is upon me – and

How Do You Choose to Navigate the River of Life?

Everyone gets to choose to swim, flow, float, or sink in the river of life. More than a decade ago, I decided that I was not going to just let life live me. I had a desire to choose the direction of my life – and what I would do with it. When I started blogging regularly at the beginning of 2012, my Pathwalking philosophy was born. Over time it’s evolved. A lot. And though many of the original tenets

Why Does Getting Over Feeling Hurt Take So Long?

Even unintentional hurt that we are made feel tends to linger. Someone that I care a great deal about hurt me. Let me be clear about several facts in this matter. First – I know it was not their intent to cause me hurt. They were in their own odd headspace, and it made them less receptive to the impact their actions had. Second – Given our history, this should not have come as the surprise that it did. Yet

Can Pathwalking Be for Everyone Even if it’s Not One-Size Fits All?

Pathwalking is for everyone because it is an open practice with almost infinite options. When I accepted the challenge to myself to write weekly, Pathwalking was born at the start of 2012. Over the years since then, it’s evolved into a much larger, richer, and deeper life philosophy. I like to think of Pathwalking as taking the best parts of other Universal life ideas and making them accessible to more people. I strive to do this with plain language, simplicity,

How Is The Struggle An Important Part of Any Chosen Path?

Because without the struggle we lack the impetus for growth and change. One of the hardest aspects of working to improve our lives is stepping out of our existing comfort zones. Why is it called a comfort zone? Because it’s comfortable. Though that’s not wholly accurate. More than being comfortable, our comfort zone is about familiarity. It’s what we know, are used to, and consider deep down to be the norm. Such that it is. This is why we often

Why Are We What, How, Where, Who, and Why We Are?

Why we are – and all else – depends on circumstances both in and out of our control. Please pause a moment. Look around you and then make note of where you are. How did you get there? What made you decide to be where you are, right now? Is this where somewhere you actually want to be – or not? For various reasons, you are where you are. Maybe you’re somewhere you have chosen – or not. And even

Is What We Do After We Get Bad News Ours to Choose?

We all get bad news sometimes. But what we do after we receive it is up to each of us to choose. One of my best friends wrecked an ankle long ago. Like, thoroughly destroyed it. They repaired it with pins and plates, and it served him for nearly 2 decades. But over time, the pain levels associated with that ankle became unbearable. For several years he’s been fighting the constant pain, and it was negatively impacting his life. At

Is Focusing Scattered Attention A Challenge for You Like it is For Me?

The name implies that scattered attention is scattered. But is it the same for everyone? I have a lot of metaphorical irons in the fire. These include: Working for an amazing entrepreneur part-time Editing existing work to send to the editor Working for an awesome web-training company part-time Writing the first book of my new sci-fi series Various things for my medieval reenactment society A web3/Metaverse game project Putting together my first speaking project It’s exciting stuff. This all works

When We’re On Our Life Paths We’re Not Always Walking Alone

Our life paths belong to us alone – but that doesn’t mean we walk them wholly alone. At the start of 2012, I began Pathwalking. This regular weekly blog would evolve into a whole life philosophy. Through this process, I have been choosing paths for my life experience for the past 11 years. These have been some of the best years of my life. Many things have changed over this decade-plus – the vast majority of it being for the

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