The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Can Positivity Make You Happy?

Ultimately, everybody wants to be happy.

I believe that’s what we all most want.  Happiness.  When we are happy, we are more capable of living a complete, satisfying life.

Positivity is a direct path to happiness.  Happiness is one of the ultimate in positive feelings, which is why it’s so important that we find and cultivate it as much as we can.

There is more than enough anger, intolerance, unhappiness and outright hatred in the world.  Adding to that only generates more.  Since consciousness creates reality, when that’s our focus, that’s what we create more of.  Getting inundated with and overwhelmed by all this negativity just draws more of it in.

This is why it’s important to look for and find things that make us feel happy.  Positivity, in any form that it takes, is a lead-in to happiness.  Positive is equal to good, and good is a feeling that can evolve into happy.

Happy is simpler than we make it out to be.

This is not about that blissful, euphoric, overindulgent happy that movies and TV try to sell us; nor is it the Happily Ever After of a fairy tale.  No, this is that feeling in the pit of your stomach, that sensation that makes you want to smile, maybe even laugh.  Honest, simple, happiness.

Rather than allow the sheer volume of negativity across social media, and all the insanity of politics and religion and such of modern society dominate us, we need to remain aware.  We need to be more familiar with our state of mind, our state of being.  From there, we will be better able to combat all the negative messages, and create better.

We cannot change the world if we do not change our small corners of it.  If you don’t feel good, how can you help anyone else feel good?  I fall into this trap myself from time to time, which is part of why I write about this frequently.  These Positivity posts were created to remind myself about the necessity of finding means to feel good, as much as they were created to help you do the same.

Want rather than DON’T want.

Last but very much not least, remember that the Universe doesn’t recognize messages like I don’t want to feel this way or that…it only registers want to feel this way or that.  This is why focusing on positivity to create more of it is imperative.  It is one of the keys to happiness.  Awareness of thought, feeling and action leads to conscious reality creation; ergo we are all cable of creating amazing, happy lives – and share them.

Finding positivity is not hard, but it does require action.  Knowing that ultimately, we all want to be happy, and positivity is a key to this, we can work on our awareness of positivity, and seek more of it.  When we find positivity, and we use positive things to make ourselves feel good, this can lead to us feeling happy; ultimately we empower ourselves.  When we feel empowered, we often spread that feeling to others around us, and as such can build more positive feelings in the collective consciousness.  We can use the positive feelings this generates to dissolve negative feelings.  When we take away negative feelings, we open up space to let in positive feelings, and that is something we can be grateful for.  Gratitude leads to happiness.  Happiness is the ultimate positive attitude.  Positive attitude begets positive energy, and that is always a good thing.


This is the one hundred eighty-first entry of my Positivity series.  It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone.  Feel free to share, re-blog and spread the positivity.

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