The Ramblings of the Titanium Don

Bad Days Always End

All bad days come to an end – and this is a tremendous positive.

Everyone has bad days. Everyone.

That’s a fact of life. Nobody has nothing but perfect, good days.

Sometimes this is within my control. If I wake up groggy, stumble out of bed, stub my toe, and find I’m already running late – I get to choose if I let this dictate the way the rest of my day goes or not. I decide to let that downward spiral continue and increase – or – pause, reflect, acknowledge it, and turn it around.

Other times, this is not at all within our control. Getting into a car accident heading to work, getting fired, getting dumped, a tree falling on your house, and other such matters can and will happen. You have no control over other people or nature. And that kind of bad day tends to be largely outside of your control.

When bad things happen, we all have visceral, immediate reactions. This is especially true of the shit that happens that we have zero control over. Hence, you might find yourself instantly angry, depressed, frustrated, irked, upset, or otherwise feeling bad.  

It’s worse when this is compounded. Sometimes, it’s not simply one bad thing. It could be a string of them. And before you know it – you’re having a bad day.

Guess what? Every day ends. Bad or good, the day will come to an end. Recognizing this can help with navigating bad days.

All days begin and end

Even when it’s not obvious – the sun rises and sets every single day. No matter how you perceive or tell time – days come and go.

Every single day has a beginning. Likewise, every single day has an ending.

For me, a “day” is the total time that I’m awake. Typically, that’s 16-18 hours (I wake up around 6 am and go to bed somewhere around 11 pm). Your experience may vary.

Time being utterly relative, some days feel longer than others. It never ceases to amaze me. Even the great Albert Einstein explains,

“When you are courting a nice girl an hour seems like a second. When you sit on a red-hot cinder a second seems like an hour. That’s relativity.”

When a day seems to be full to overflowing of endless trials and tribulations – it feels like that’s the world. Your life just gets sad, frustrating, and daunting. It feels like this is how it will always be – and there isn’t a damned thing you can do about it.

But – this day will come to an end. At some point, you will call it a day, step away, and rest. It might not be the best night’s sleep – but it will mark the end of your waking day.

Which means that tomorrow is a new day. And new days can be approached either as new problems or new possibilities. And that can be incredibly empowering.

Bad days are followed by new days

All days end. Bad days, as such, end. Always.

That may not mean that you ended the day with conclusions and resolutions. As the saying goes, Rome wasn’t built in a day. But a bad day being done means a new day follows. And with new days comes new choices.

When shit happens outside of your control, sometimes getting past the initial, visceral reaction will take time. This is especially true when multiple things happen or there’s any sort of build-up involved.

For example – if you get in a car accident, learn your credit card was scammed, lose your ATM card, and get into a fight with a loved one – that’s compounded matters that can overwhelm even the strongest, most positive people. A single, prolonged, unresolved argument that causes hurt feelings between you and one or multiple people can be just as compounded.

There are plenty of times when shit happens one day that’s not resolved by its end. When I got hit by a car crossing a street, the accident likely took seconds – while the recovery took months. It was certainly not resolved the next day.

However – a new day means you have new choices. Even leaving the unresolved bad day unresolved – you get to choose how to approach your new day.

I know it often doesn’t feel like this is true. I’ve had plenty of awful, lousy days that felt like they’d spill over into the next day.

Granted, you have no control over other people or nature. When someone is mad at you, they’ll remain mad until they decide not to be (whatever form that takes). You can’t do anything about it raining 5 days in a row.

But when it comes to you and your self, you have all the power.

bad days end
Photo by Kyle Cottrell on Unsplash

Take back your power

When bad days end – and they always do – what comes next is up to you. At least, all the parts involving you and nobody else.

Yes, the weather might still suck, you could still be fighting with that friend/loved one, or dealing with that awful work situation. But how you think, feel, and act regarding these is wholly on you.

It may not always feel like it – but you, and you alone, control your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Or rather, you CAN control them – when you work consciously rather than subconsciously.

Because of how our society works – most people exist more subconsciously. They live day to day by rote and routine. There is a pattern they follow – and they simply exist within it. When it’s interrupted by bad things – bad things can compound, get out of control, and before you know it it becomes a whole bad day.

You and I can choose to live consciously instead of existing subconsciously. How? By being consciously aware of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Knowing, in the present, things like:

  • What am I thinking?
  • What am I feeling?
  • How am I feeling?
  • What do I intend?
  • What am I doing?

All these questions, when asked, can be answered via conscious awareness. And this is mindfulness.

Mindfulness empowers us. That allows us to recognize what caused the bad day. Then, we can analyze and acknowledge our part in what made it a bad day (even it’s just how we reacted to something outside of our control).

At the end of bad days, you get to choose how you’ll approach the new day. You get to choose if you will carry over the bad days – or start anew and seek to find better days. And this is true every single day.

It’s easy – and it’s not

Relatively speaking – this is easy. Be mindful and use your conscious awareness to make choices and decisions to move from your bad days to new days and more positive approaches.

But feelings are more complicated than that. When you are hurt, angry, depressed, upset, anxious – it feels like control is beyond you. You think that there’s little you can do about this, that, or the other thing. When your heart hurts, it feels like turning that around isn’t possible.

But you do get a choice. It may not be easy to let go of the negative feeling. But you can. What it takes to let go of the bad days and seek and/or find positive in new days will vary. No two situations are alike, and what works for me might not work for you.

But you DO have this power. And you do have choices. Bad days always end. So long as you are alive – there will be new days. And that can be something to look forward to.

Or – sure, you can choose to dread it.

I believe that life is full of potential and possibility. Thus, bad days always end, and new days can be better.

No matter what you are dealing with now – you’ve had bad days before and gotten past them. You are still here. You’re alive, now, no matter what you’re going through. Believe this – you have done it before and can and will do it again. You’re likely a lot stronger than you know.

It’s easy – and it’s not. Bad days always end. New days can be how and what you make of them. The choice is yours.

Recognizing bad days always end isn’t hard

It begins with mindfulness of your thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.

Knowing that every day – bad or good – will eventually end, you can see potential and possibility to move on from the things you don’t desire to experience. When you take that to heart – then release all that made it a bad day so you can move onwards and see the potential and possibility for the new day – that ultimately empowers you.

When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone everywhere can take part in.

Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve numerous aspects of our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate yet more positivity and gratitude.

You, me, and everybody are worthy and deserving of all the good we desire. 

An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is always worthwhile.

This is the three-hundred and ninety-fifth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.

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