Are You Kind?
Be kind to yourself. Give kindness to others.
I am sitting here this morning, trying to come up with words for this post, and I have been doing my usual routine. I go to Facebook, I play a couple games, and I read through a bunch of posts.
There are a lot of discouraging things going on out there. So much anger, so much fear, such unbelievable negativity. Is this really the world we want to live in?
I don’t know about you, but I am not a fan of this. Of course it’s important to stay informed, but the volume of bad news is just thoroughly distressing. It overwhelms, and I can’t help but wonder what good, if any, I can do here?
I can be better to myself. I can treat myself like I want to be treated by others, and then I can extend that out to the people around me.
Positivity this week covered taking one step at a time, while Pathwalking covered the power of tenacity. I have been having a hard time coming up with a topic for Crossing the Bridges, because I have a lot in my head, and am having a difficult time centering.
Anger and anxiety have been clouding my mind this morning. I am feeling somewhat helpless in the face of all the negativity I have been reading.
It is, of course, ok to feel angry, to feel bad, to get annoyed by these things. The problem is holding onto them too tightly. If I allow my feelings to stay here and fester, I will lower my frequency, and I will have an ever-increasingly difficult time getting where I want to go.
Pause. Breathe. Refocus. Most of all…be kind. I need to be kind to myself.
Being kind is a key to conscious reality creation.
I know that like many people, I am often the least kind to myself. There is a lot of self-doubt, criticism, uncertainty that crops up in my life. When I am focused on these things, they cause me to not think so well of myself. This is not a terribly useful approach to life.
So I need to be more kind to myself. It’s all well-and-good to be kind to others, but if I do not show myself kindness, then I actually have less to share, too. Like pretty much everything in the universe, it all starts with the individual.
Consciousness creates reality. If I am focused on negative things, on unkind things, what do you think I am drawing into my life? No surprise here – more things I would prefer not to draw to myself. Thus it’s really important that I remember to treat myself kindly, and to be gentle towards my heart and mind.
When I am more kind to me, I build more ability to be kinder to others. Positivity begets positivity. The best way to empower anyone else is to empower myself.
This past month has been rough. Sure, I can dwell on this…or I can acknowledge it, and strive to make every day a good day. One step at a time, one day at a time. Frequently that really is the best approach.
Sometimes the toughest things to do are the simplest. Self-love and kindness towards self should be really easy. Yet often, they are the most challenging act to take part of. It is important to remember that being kind to others is great, but being kind to myself is also extremely important.
Remember that kind acts beget kindness.
As always, thank you for crossing the bridges between my worlds with me.
This is the seventieth entry of my personal journey, the Crossing the Bridges series. My collectively published writing can be found here.