After This Latest Insanity – Can Positivity Still be Found?
Yes, positivity can still be found. But it will probably be strictly personal.

At the end of last week, the highest court in the United States did one of the most horrific things I could imagine. They took away the right of a person to choose what they do with their body. (Let’s be clear – if you think Roe v Wade was ever about the unborn and abortions – you are not paying attention).
This was not the only awful thing the court did. And all signs point to more to come.
How in the hell can anyone who cares about anyone other than themselves find positivity?
We won’t if we only look outside of ourselves to find it. That way lies madness.
So, what can we do?
We can focus within rather than without. Mindfulness will find us positivity.
Mindfulness and the now
I apologize if you’re not an American, and this particular article is very USA-centric. But that’s my frame of reference, and presently it’s not a good one at all.
What can we do about this awfulness? We can (and frankly must) vote for better leaders. Protests can be started and attended. Donations can be made to worthy causes. Letters, emails, and phone calls can be blasted to our existing congresspeople. And we can hit ‘em where it counts – in the pocketbook – by boycotting businesses that support candidates and discriminatory ideologies, as well as not visiting states enacting Draconian backasswards laws to ban abortions and/or criminalize women who get them.
Keep up the pressure, here and now, and don’t get complacent before the midterms in November.
That action for change is a form of positivity. Because its action to choose a new course before the present one gets even nastier. But you can only do what is right for you – but remember we cannot change anyone unwilling to change.
Aside from that, general mindfulness is a key means to finding the positivity we can on any given day.
Here and now, in this present moment, you’re alive. It may not be great for whatever reason – but you’re here. That, in and of itself, is positive.
Surely there is something you can be consciously aware of, in the present moment, that’s positive. That sort of positivity is bigger than you might imagine – and just as powerful.
It is neither selfish nor wrong to seek and find positivity – even among all the nastiness. That’s because if we allow ourselves to be dragged down, made hopeless, and give up in the face of this – we can do nothing to change it. And what’s more – consciousness creates reality.
This is not toxic positivity
The Law of Attraction is like the Law of Gravity. It works if you believe in it or not.
Yes, we need to be aware of these things. Sweeping them under the rug, ignoring them, disregarding them, or pretending they are not happening is foolish and toxic. But recognizing and acknowledging them is very different from soaking in them.
What do I mean? We do not need to be so engrossed in this awfulness that it dominates everything we do. If we choose to do that – we disempower ourselves and our ability to control what little we can.
What little can we control? Realistically – our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions. Apart from that, there’s little else.
We cannot control anyone else, period. All we can do is work from where we are, here and now, through mindfulness, to be.
It might look awful dark. This situation is upsetting, depressing, and distressing. But so long as you and I are drawing breath and living our lives, we can find good to focus on – positivity – to help us combat this awfulness and move beyond it.
Positivity is a key to us finding our individual power. And we have the power to create nearly anything we desire to.

There is still good in the world
Immediately after this horrendous decision, multiple businesses and several state governments expressed their support for the healthcare and autonomy of all people.
Numerous individuals, great and unknown, offered what help and support than can provide to find ways to turn this around and empower the disempowered and disenfranchised.
This ridiculous situation was created by a minority who act like they have majority power and support. They have a vision that is counter to reality where they have dominion that they do not, in truth, have. Part of the problem is that they are vocal, really loud, and well-funded. Alongside that, many in the majority have remained silent – which, unfortunately, unwittingly makes them complacent.
The thing is, despite this incredibly unpleasant situation, it’s important to recognize that there is still good in the world. Though it might not seem that way – the majority is of good intentions.
Maybe that’s overly optimistic and appraisal on my part. But to be honest – I cannot accept that the ugly, dark, disturbing happenings in the world right now are going to win. I won’t let them in whatever ways I can – which is why I share these articles and reminders that you and I are empowered to find good, create positivity, and turn this shit around.
No, it is not easy. And it won’t be. But because I believe that people are not inherently cruel and selfish, I believe that when more of us seek and find what positivity we can in the world, the more we can shift the collective away from this destructive, dark path.
Positivity can still be found. Andi t can empower change to shift away from this unpleasant path to another that is good for more than a select, selfish few. It begins with you, me, and what we choose.
Finding positivity for our own lives, even after this latest insanity, isn’t hard
It’s all about working with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, and intentions to direct our actions.
When we recognize and acknowledge that things are not good – but don’t make that the whole of our focus and attention – we can be open to seeking and finding positivity. Knowing that positivity represents pathways to turning this awfulness around, and findings and/or creating more good in the world, arms us to take a stand and do something useful to take on this insanity. This empowers us – and in turn, our empowerment can empower others around us. That can expand to change the bigger picture matters.
Choosing for ourselves tends to lean positively.
Taking an approach to positivity and negativity – from the vast space that exists between them – shifts the concept in a way to opens more dialogue. In that form, we can explore and share where we are between those extremes and how that impacts us here and now.
Lastly, I believe the better aware we are of ourselves in the now, the more we can do to choose and decide how our life experiences will be. If that empowers us, it can also open those around us to their own empowerment. And that is, to me, a worthwhile endeavor to explore and share.
Thank you for coming along on this ride with me.
This is the four hundred and thirty-eighth entry of my Positivity series. I hope that these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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