Do You Accept What is or Choose What Could Possibly Be?
What could possibly be is less improbable than you might imagine.

I frequently use the phrase “it is what it is”.
What I often fail to realize is that while the intent of saying “it is what it is” is to avoid argument and debate – it can also empower unwanted things. That additionally denies potential and possibility to accept what is.
Admittedly, my regular use of this is to end debates with my mom. Sure, it often cuts short judgment and arguments. But it also closes a door as well.
Consciousness creates reality. When I make the statement “it is what it is” – subconsciously or with limited intent – I might not recognize what I am giving power to. For the sake of ending the debate, I could be ignoring something else, and more important.
“It is what it is” is the equivalent of flipping the off-switch, shutting the door, or closing a portal. Whatever metaphor I apply, this statement without intent could have unwanted consequences.
For example – if the debate is over money and retirement planning, saying “it is what it is” tells the Universe that I accept the present, imperfect, less-than-ideal status of my finances. Likewise, saying “it is what it is” regarding the status of my writing career tells the Universe a similar story.
This leads to subconscious reality creation. So, rather than choose what could possibly be – and frankly, what I desire – I accept what is. And the Universe keeps giving me the same over and over again.
Mindfulness turns subconscious to conscious
Realizing this, I recognize that I need to stop saying “it is what it is.” Unless, of course, I have consciously created my reality how I desire it to be.
If, for example, making an incredible living by publishing novels making me happy “is what it is” – that’s a conscious statement. It certainly reads like a reality I’d love to create.
The above shows me if I am not being mindful of my statements. Because if I’m not, I might be subconsciously creating my reality rather than doing so consciously.
In the words of Albert Einstein,
“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”
The illusion of our individual perception of reality is our own creation. Thus, we get to accept what is or choose what could possibly be.
In my experience, accepting what is has been the product of subconscious reality creation. Rather than not choosing – we don’t choose consciously. It’s a passive existence rather than an active one.
Saying “it is what it is” accepts what is – even when you don’t accept it. Why? Because making any sort of statement gives it power. That’s why whatever you follow “I AM” with can do both tremendous harm and incredible good.
Mindfulness of this – and matters like this – empowers. That’s how you choose where you take your life. If you prefer not to accept what is and would rather choose what could possibly be – mindfulness is the key to that.
How do you choose what could possibly be?
I need to make a few factual statements here. These are important because they’re the explanation for how we can choose what could possibly be rather than just accept what is.
- The past has passed. It’s done, over, and cannot be undone or redone.
- The present was created via that past. What I did then brought me to where I am now.
- The future is uncertain and unwritten.
- The past can offer lessons, but the future can be built only in the present.
- Now, the present, is the only time that’s real.
Accepting these truths opens the door for conscious reality creation. Why? Because it only works now, in the present.
I cannot undo my past. Nobody can change the past. This moment – who, what, where, how, why, and where I am – came into being based on past choices, decisions, indecision, experiences, people, places, things, etc. Any changes I desire to see come into being can only be manifested via work in the here-and-now.
The driving force behind fundamentalism is the notion of returning to a past that was somehow better than the present. A time we lost sight of, didn’t see for its glory, or what-have-you.
This is problematic. Because returning to the past is impossible.
I won’t deny that what could possibly be might take lessons of the past, and perhaps even recreate certain ideals that might have existed back then. However, other lessons learned since mean it will not and cannot be the same.
I know that scares people. But change is inevitable. Yet we can choose what could possibly be.
Specifically – what could possibly be for our personal, individual, unique life experiences.

I can only choose what could possibly be for me
One of the biggest issues in society today is based on attempts to dominate and control matters for everyone.
This can be precarious when we have different beliefs, values, and the like. Which – we all do.
Many recent laws have gotten passed in certain American states that are forcing the beliefs of a few on the many. Such laws disempower women, disenfranchise minorities, and erode the rights of the LGBTQA+ community. This has all been done in the name of choosing what could be based on specific religious and political dogma – despite it being good for only a select few.
Disempowering people for any reason will always have consequences. Trying to force people to accept your vision of what could be is not a good thing. For anyone.
Conscious reality creation is about ourselves. Our individual lives. Even when shared with families, communities, or what-have-you. I can only choose what’s right for my just as you can only choose what’s right for you.
Despite messages to the contrary – what could possibly be is less improbable than you might imagine. That’s because the truth is far different from the accepted what is of our fear-based society.
Lack? Scarcity? Insufficiency? Untrue. Most of what we’re presented is designed to control and keep us buying, marching to the beat of someone else’s drum, and generally disempowered.
The truth is that we live in an abundant universe. There is not just plenty – but more than enough to go around. Likewise, potential and possibility are nearly completely limitless. What could be – and the ultimate empowerment that could come with it – is only improbable if we accept that as our truth.
That’s why I will not say “it is what it is” again without being fully conscious of what I am creating.
Choosing what could possibly be isn’t hard
It begins with mindfulness of our thoughts, feelings, actions, and intentions.
Knowing that we consciously or subconsciously create our reality – we decide to accept what is or choose what could possibly be. When we are discontent with what is, we can employ mindfulness to choose what to seek and/or create to consciously create more possibilities and potential. And that ultimately empowers us.
When you are empowered, your mindfulness increases, you become more aware overall, and that gets reflected and spreads to other people. This creates a feedback loop of awareness and positivity – a feedback loop everyone can take part in.
Then, together, we build more positive feelings and discover further reasons to feel positivity and gratitude. That becomes the impetus to improve our lives for the better, help overcome the overwhelming negativity of any current situation, and generate even more positivity and gratitude.
An attitude of gratitude is an attitude of pure positivity. That positivity can generate even greater positive energies – and that is ultimately empowering for all.
Everyone is worthy and deserving of all the good we desire.
This is the four hundred and tenth entry of my Positivity series. It is my hope these weekly messages might help spread positive energies for everyone. Feel free to share, re-blog, and spread the positivity.
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