Pathwalking 86
Change is inevitable.
Change will happen, no matter how much you would rather it did not. Change is a part of life, it is a constant, and it cannot be denied.
We can put it off, we can neglect it, we can rail against it. But it will happen, and it will take place, for good or ill. Change comes.
People often think themselves victims of circumstance, victims of change. But we all have within us the power to direct and control change. It may not always be perfect, it may not be easy, but we DO have the power within us.
This is what Pathwalking is all about. It is taking choices, MAKING choices, and thus affecting change. Pathwalking is about seeking control of my own life, and thus control over changes as they happen.
But it is vastly important that I recognize the inevitability of change. It is a constant, though its pace and timing and area of effect are not. Still happens, still there, unstoppable.
Change can be delayed. Change can be held off. Change can even be derailed, somewhat. But it happens. Nothing remains stagnant, nothing remains as it is, everything changes.
I prefer to not be a victim of anything, let alone change. As a Pathwalker, I am seeking to choose for myself my life, my way, my plans. A part of that is having knowledge of change, and doing what I can to make change be in my favor.
Of course, as with most things, some change is beyond the scope of my ability to control. I can’t make the government be fair and equitable to all, I cannot make monster corporations responsible and less greedy, I cannot control the feelings of others.
That is sometimes a bitter pill to swallow, but recognizing the change we cannot control frees us. If we do not put effort into what we can do nothing about, then we can focus on the things we CAN effect. I can work on change directly within my own life and how it will impact me.
I cannot make the government do as I might want, but I CAN choose to support those who might. I cannot change corporate greed, but I CAN support corporations that are better models. I cannot control the feelings of others, but I CAN work on my own feelings, and my own actions towards others.
If I want to see change, I have to work from my own space, my own abilities, my own corner of the world as it were. Most importantly, I can control much of the change within myself.
I WILL get older. That’s an inevitable change. But there is much I can do to make the aging process smoother, healthier, and non-detrimental. I can choose my level of diet and exercise and stress, I can participate in activities that make me feel good and keep me feeling young. So while change is happening, I can direct much of the HOW of it.
We forget easily that we can control a great deal of our own experiences in this life. Pathwalking is about learning this, knowing this, and working with it. Change totally falls into this category, and is not something we should fear, but something instead we should embrace, and work in our way to make the most of.
Change is how we learn, how we grow, and ultimately how we advance. Change leads us from the horse and buggy to moon landings. Change is the telegraph to the smart phone. Change comes, and we can either do our best to make it good and positive, or bad and negative. I know which is my preference.
Pathwalking is choice, and choice often involves change. It is my belief that knowing this and making the most of it could work wonders for everyone.
How do you handle change?
This is the eighty-sixth entry in my series. These weekly posts are specifically about walking along the path of life, and my desire to make a difference in this world along the way. Thank you for joining me.
The first year of Pathwalking is available in print and for your Kindle.
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